Free PlayStation Plus Games For October 2017 Headlined By 'Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain' For PS4

Sony has revealed the free PlayStation Plus games for October 2017, and headlining next month's offerings is Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for the PlayStation 4.

There are several highly anticipated PlayStation 4 titles launching in October, including Middle-earth: Shadow of War, Friday the 13th: The Game, The Evil Within 2, Gran Turismo Sport, South Park: The Fractured But Whole, and Assassin's Creed: Origins. While waiting for these games to drop, PlayStation Plus subscribers might want to check out the free games that they can download next month.

PlayStation Plus October 2017: 'Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain' And More

Sony's announcement of the October 2017 free games for PlayStation Plus subscribers started off with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for the PlayStation 4.

The Phantom Pain, an open-world stealth action game that takes places almost a decade after Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, is one of the biggest AAA titles to be offered for free to PlayStation Plus subscribers this year. The game, launched in 2015, is also the final Metal Gear game that was led by the video game designer Hideo Kojima.

Adding to the PlayStation Plus lineup for next month is Amnesia: Collection for the PlayStation 4, which contains Amnesia: The Dark Descent of 2010, its expansion Amnesia: Justine of 2011, and the unrelated sequel Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs of 2013. The survival horror game might not be as explosive as The Phantom Pain, but it is very much capable of keeping the adrenaline of players rushing through their veins.

Rounding out the free games for October 2017 are Monster Jam Battlegrounds and Hustle Kings for the PlayStation 3, along with Hue and Sky Force Anniversary for the PlayStation Vita. Hue is a cross-buy title with the PlayStation 4, and Sky Force Anniversary is a cross-buy title for both the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3.

PlayStation Plus subscribers will be able to download the free games starting Oct. 5, and they will be available until Nov. 2.

Sony also noted that That's You, one of the first games in the PlayLink program that connects the title to mobile devices, will expire as a free download for PlayStation Plus subscribers on Oct. 24.

PlayStation Plus September 2017 Still Available

With the free PlayStation Plus games for October 2017 still a week away, subscribers still have time to download the offerings for this month.

The PlayStation Plus September 2017 free games are inFamous: Second Son and Strike Vector Ex for the PlayStation 4, Truck Racer and Handball 2016 for the PlayStation 3, and We Are Doomed and Hatoful Boyfriend for the PlayStation Vita.

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