Destiny 2 Beta Player Loses Account While Linking To Here's How To Avoid It

Take caution, Destiny 2 players — you might just accidentally "orphan" your old Bungie account when linking your Blizzard account, as some players have experienced.

Many players have now gotten their Destiny 2 beta code, which they can use to preload the beta across Xbox One and PlayStation 4. But curb that excitement for a moment and be mindful during this process as you might eradicate your beta code altogether.

Be Careful When Linking Your Bungie Account To Account

Reddit user Aerogizz posted the issue on the Destiny subreddit, encouraging other users to be careful when linking their and Bungie accounts.

The user wanted to see if their beta code was ready, which still wasn't at the time. The user then noticed that it's possible to link one's Blizzard account through the site. Since Aerogizz was planning to get the game on PC, he proceeded with the linking process.

"Well, doing so actually created a NEW account while I was already logged in. And then I proceeded to link my gamertag to that new account without really knowing what was going on," wrote Aerogizz.

So what's the issue here? Well, it looks like the problem lies with linking one's gamertag and Bungie account to their account. For those who don't know, the PC version of Destiny 2 will require the Blizzard launcher, so players can link all these accounts together.

The problem occurs when players try to link their account without logging in to their Bungie account first. So when players see a notification to link their Bungie account to Blizzard's and they try to input their existing gamertag, the process actually ends up making a new account, thus unlinking their Bungie account and gamertag.

Once this happens, the old Bungie account is "orphaned," which is a dire situation because players will be unable to access their old games and existing Guardians. According to Bungie's help section, this is permanent, meaning access cannot be granted to an account once it's been orphaned.

How To Make Sure Your Bungie Account Doesn't Get Orphaned

The correct way to link your Bungie and account is for you to be logged in to Bungie from the get-go. Once logged in, go to settings and select "link accounts." If at any time it prompts you to unlink your PSN or XBL account from anything — don't.

As Forbes reports, Bungie says they've caught hold of the issue and is now trying to make the process more streamlined. However, the company hasn't confirmed if it'll try to recover orphaned accounts, though that seems pretty unlikely.

Have you accidentally orphaned your Bungie account? Feel free to sound off in the comments section below!

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