Jurassic World: D-Rex the Deadly Hybrid Dinosaur Image Leaked?

The Jurassic World trailer was released recently, and we managed to learn that the film will feature a hybrid dinosaur that goes by the name 'D-Rex.' The trailer did not showcase the monster, but we have a little something that might just be what Universal is hiding from us.

The D-Rex was created in the first place because park goers were interested in seeing a dinosaur that was much larger than the T-Rex. However, the guys behind this creation did not realize that what they were doing would come back to haunt.

From our understanding, the D-Rex is human-like smart, which makes it increasingly more dangerous than a regular T-Rex. Furthermore, because of the comparison between the two dinosaurs, there is no way the writers and director would pass on letting them fight.

Let's talk more about the leaked image.

It's nothing special, mainly because it is not clear enough and appeared to have been taken by a phone back in 2003. However, from what we can make out, we are sure that the looks won't have us screaming in enjoyment. It looks like any other dinosaur to be honest, but then again we can't complain much since the image is just a rumor of what could be.

We have to say, though that Steven Spielberg could have done a lot better than a hybrid dinosaur. These type of stories have been done time and time again, and it makes us wonder if Jurassic World will have the same impact as the movies before it.

This is one of those times where sticking to the tried and proven idea doesn't seem so bad at all. At the end of the day, we hope Steven Spielberg finds a way to surprise us, because looking at this movie reminds us of how much the man almost destroyed everything that was good about Indiana Jones in a single movie, so who knows what he could do with Jurassic World.

Jurassic World is the next installment in the Jurassic Park franchise. The film will star Chris Pratt and is expected to hit theaters in June of 2015.

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