Microsoft Announces Windows 10 Build 16215, Rolls Out A Ton Of Updates And Improvements

Microsoft just released a new test version of Windows 10 on Thursday, June 9, and it includes a huge roster of significant changes. Windows Insiders on the Fast Ring should receive the update immediately. Non-Insiders will get all the features when Microsoft launches the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update later this year.

Windows 10 Build 16215: Changes, Improvements, New Features

Action Center: The first major change in Windows 10 build number 16215 is how the Action Center looks, which significantly received a stellar visual upgrade. Notifications are now separated by app sections, resulting in a cleaner and more streamlined presentation. Notifications are grouped together more coherently than in the previous design, allowing for a less chaotic notification center.

Pin Websites: The new build now lets users pin their favorite websites onto the taskbar, which when clicked will open the website on Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge: Microsoft has improved the animations for new tabs inside Edge, which should result in a snappier web browsing experience. The new build also introduces a full screen mode by pressing F11 and the option to annotate eBooks.

Cortana: Microsoft has loaded the new build with a ton of improvements to Cortana, including a new feature called camera roll insights, which on paper sounds pretty amazing. If you permit her, Cortana will scan the posters or flyers you take, and she'll ask if you want to create a reminder for a specific event detailed on those said posters. For example, take a poster of a Fleet Foxes gig, and Cortana will know when and where the shindig will be. Neat.

Cortana will also now be able to keep track of events you encircle using the Lasso tool — literally. Just draw a circle on a particular event, and Cortana will recognize the time, and she'll offer suggestions based on that.

Windows 10 Stylus Support

Stylus and touch input is one of the major features Microsoft focused on in this new build. The handwriting panel, for one, has been outfitted with plenty more gestures, improved editing, support for emoji, and automatic handwriting detection. As users write, Windows 10 will automatically detect and transcribe the letters, allowing users to just keep on writing. Users may also select text to edit it or make corrections using ink gestures.

Users may also now scroll webpages using a stylus, which voids the need to "hunt and peck" for pesky scrollbars. Microsoft software engineer Jen Gentleman demoed this feature via Twitter.

Improved Keyboards

Microsoft has also made it easier for users to access emoji. Pressing either Windows + period or Windows + semicolon will bring up the emoji panel.

Microsoft has also added a new Windows 10 touch keyboard for both desktop and tablet users, with features such as prediction, emoji suggestions, single-handed input, and other cool functionalities. Dictation has also been included in the new keyboard as well.

There are some pretty hefty changes overall included in the latest build, in addition to small tweaks and refinements. Make sure to read Microsoft's blog post detailing them all.

Have you managed to download Windows 10 build number 16215? How's the experience so far? Feel free to sound off in the comments section below!

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