Ferguson Grand Jury: No Criminal Charges Against Cop Who Shot, Killed Unarmed Michael Brown

The grand jury in the case of the August shooting that led to the death of Michael Brown, a black teenager that was unarmed at the incident, voted not to indict Darren Wilson, the white police officer that shot the teenager.

The death of Brown has resulted in weeks of protests in the city, some of which were violent. The protesters believe that the incident highlights the longstanding racial tension in Ferguson, which is predominantly black but with a power structure dominated by white people.

"They determined that no probable cause exists to file any charge against officer Wilson," said St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCullock.

The family of Brown expressed their disappointment in the decision of the grand jury. The family also requested for the people that share their pain in the decision to channel their frustration into ways that will bring about positive change.

The family of Brown may have said that, as they believe that the tension in the city will massively increase following the decision of the grand jury.

Several hundred citizens banded together outside the Ferguson Police Department before the grand jury revealed its decision. After the statement to not indict Wilson was released, many people began to vent out their anger.

"Murderers, you're nothing but murderers," said one woman in the crowd using a megaphone, directed to officers that are wearing riot gear.

The authorities have increased security measures in the city in preparation for the grand jury's decision, with Jay Nixon, the governor of Missouri, even calling up the National Guard to assist the local police force in case of the eruption of any riots similar to the ones in the weeks after Brown's death.

Some of the protesters saw Nixon's call to the National Guard as unnecessary, particularly due to complaints that it was the police that enraged the protesters in August after using rubber bullets and tear gas to try to subdue them.

However, after the revelation of the grand jury's decision, reports revealed that riots have erupted in Ferguson, with police officers once again firing tear gas to try to subdue the protesters.

Protesters have smashed and set aflame police cars, and there have been reports of gunshots in the city.

The grand jury consists nine white people and three black people. The group began to meet in late August, hearing evidence from witnesses and a private pathologist that was hired by the family of Brown to study the incident.

To file charges against Wilson, at least nine of the members needed to vote for it. McCulloch denied when asked to reveal if the votes were unanimous in not filing charges against Wilson, as he said that the proceedings of the grand jury are confidential.

There were conflicting testimonies for the incident from 60 witnesses, with many of them admitting that they did not see the actual shooting.

Lawyers representing the family of Brown claimed that the teenager was attempting to surrender at the time he was shot, while the supporters of Wilson said that the officer only shot in self-defense.

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