Game Freak Job Listing Shows New Nintendo 3DS RPG On The Way: Pokémon RPG Coming Soon?

Amid rumors that Game Freak is making a Pokémon title for the Nintendo Switch, at present dubbed as "Pokémon Stars," it appears the company is also making an RPG title for the 3DS, which might suggest that a Pokémon RPG is on the way.

Game Freak is looking to hire a 3D programmer, as per a job listing that surfaced recently. Whoever lands this job will work specifically on a RPG for Nintendo's older handheld device.

Pokémon RPG On The Way?

There were no other details, such as a job description or if the job is project-based. Also, Game Freak is tight-lipped about the whole thing, not confirming if it's indeed looking to hire a 3D programmer, or if there's genuinely a Pokémon RPG title in the works. The job can be viewed via Game Freak's listing on

Don't Get Excited Yet

However, it's important to keep in mind that Pokémon isn't the only game Game Freak develops. It makes other titles for other platforms, too. For instance, Pocket Card Jockey for iOS and Tembo the Badass Elephant for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC, are both made by Game Freak. Still, it's notable that Game Freak is looking for a 3D programmer, which might suggest that whatever game the company is developing might be new.

That said, Game Freak has previously discussed the possibility of making another Pokémon Game for the 3DS, but that decision depends on any given console's user base. While the Switch is tremendously popular, the 3DS still stands as Nintendo's most widespread console right now at 60 million units.

A Pokémon title for the Switch seems like a shoo-in given the looks of things. Game Freak notably doesn't release main Pokémon games on home consoles because they lack portability — something the Switch is capable of. Still, even with the Switch already here, the company could still release a Pokémon title for the 3DS, as it has done so before. Pokémon Black and White 2, it's worth noting, was released for the DS even with the 3DS already released at the time.

Whatever Game Freak has in store, both for the Switch and the 3DS, hopefully gamers will be able to find out more about its projects soon. The E3 conference is just around the corner, the perfect time for Nintendo to spill some Pokémon news.

There have been plenty of whispers about Pokémon Stars for the Switch, which is rumored to be spinoff from Sun and Moon, but with prettier graphics, of course. On the other hand, there hasn't been any rumors pertaining to a new Pokémon entry specifically for the Switch — one that isn't a spinoff or a "third pillar" game — but that could arrive later in the Switch's life.

Thoughts about a potential Pokémon RPG game for the 3DS? Do you think Game Freak should still support the 3DS even with the presence of the Switch? Feel free to sound off in the comments section below!

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