Now You Can Track Your Domino’s Pizza From Your Pebble Smartwatch

Good old pizza. There's nothing better than a piping hot slice of savory, cheesy goodness. But is it possible for your pizza experience to become even more awesome? Apparently, it is.

Now ordering a pizza is going to be as easy as checking the time. Domino's Pizza announced the launch of its first official smartwatch app on Nov. 13. The pizza chain has partnered with smartwatch brand Pebble to take its online Pizza Tracker mobile. If you've got a Pebble device, you can download the Domino's Pizza app now.

"Partnering with Pebble makes perfect sense for our brand, as we continue to innovate and reinvent the ways Domino's and technology can interact," Domino's Pizza Chief Information Officer Kevin Vasconi said in a statement.

Out of all of the food chains out there today, Domino's has embraced technology more than just about everyone. Domino's launched its Pizza Tracker online back in 2008, which allows users to obsessively check up on the status of their pie, from the preparation to baking to quality check to delivery. You can also keep tabs on your pizza through the Domino's app on iOS and Android devices, in case you don't have a Pebble. In April of this year, Domino's began allowing users of its Android app to pay with Google Wallet.

It's yet to be seen if the smartwatch craze will catch on. Pebble is still a start-up company, having launched on Kickstarter in 2012 and raising $10 million on the crowdfunding site. However, launching an app with such a young device that isn't attached to a heavy-hitter like Apple or Microsoft, both of which are expected to release their own smartwatches in the coming months, sends a signal that Domino's is an innovative force to be reckoned in the food space, or at least it's trying to be.

The timing of this announcement could also not have been any better for Domino's since pizza seems to be grabbing headlines this week. Although, don't we all have pizza on the brain all the time, anyway? Earlier this week, Domino's rival Pizza Hut announced a revamp for its brand, which includes new menu options, like Peruvian cherry peppers, sriracha and curry, and a more simplified, flat, round logo. This seems to be in an effort to cater to consumers' taste for higher quality ingredients and more choices in their fast food options.

Clearly, both brands are trying to stay current and with the times. But who will reign supreme? Unfortunately, I think we're just going to have to eat a lot of pizza to decide. Bummer.

Image: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

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