Arrow: Oliver's Boxing Glove Trick Arrow Finally Made an Appearance

Wednesday night's episode of Arrow was filled with action, along with introducing two new additions from the DC Comics roster. However, the most important aspect of the episode, was when Oliver used the Boxing Glove arrow to take out a certain someone, it was pure class.

From the way things were done, there's a high chance we may never see Oliver make another cool attack with the Boxing Glove arrow ever again. It is not something that he can do at will because carrying an arrow attached to a boxing glove is no easy task.

In the comic and animation world, Oliver is capable of working on several kinds of Trick Arrows because the universe he's in allows it. The TV show, however, is more grounded, thus making it next to impossible for him to be jumping on rooftops and doing all sorts of madness with a boxing glove trick arrow.

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