Crazy Multiplayer Shooter 'Drawn To Death' To Launch April 4 As Free PlayStation Plus Game

Crazy third-person shooter and brawler Drawn to Death will launch on April 4 for the PlayStation 4 in North America and Europe for a price tag of $19.99.

However, for gamers who are subscribed to console's PlayStation Plus service, they will be able to download the title for free.

'Drawn To Death' To Launch As Free PS Plus Game

The announcement of the launch of Drawn to Death was made through a post on the official PlayStation blog that was written by game director David Jaffe.

Jaffe wrote that over the past few months, whenever he would receive a suggestion from players that Drawn to Death could be launched as a free PlayStation Plus title, he would respond by merely saying that it was a good idea.

However, the team behind Drawn to Death was actually already in discussion to do so, with Jaffe announcing that it is moving forward with launching the game for free to PlayStation Plus subscribers. It will be available on April 4 as one of the free games that PlayStation Plus members are able to download each month.

What Is 'Drawn To Death' All About?

According to Jaffe, the development of Drawn to Death has taken almost three years, evolving into a highly competitive and robust multiplayer title.

One of the major features of the game is its graphics that resemble drawings. This is because Drawn to Death actually takes place within the pages of a notebook owned by a 16-year-old high school student. All his drawings in the notebook spring to life and battle it out in an arena filled with more of the student's doodles.

In an interview, Jaffe described Drawn to Death as a shooter-brawler hybrid that resembles a combination of Quake and Super Smash Bros. In addition, the design is focused not on a metagame that plays up the importance of levels and upgrades but rather on the "moment to moment battlefield engagement" between players.

In the announcement of Drawn to Death as a free PlayStation Plus title, Jaffe also revealed some of the features that players can expect from the game. There will be Sphinx Missions, which will reward players with a new weapon or a new level whenever they solve one of her eight battle-focused riddles. There will also be 15 missions for each of the six characters that will be available in Drawn to Death upon launch, with rewards including costumes and taunts.

Players will also be able to collect Mystery Boxes, containing more costumes and taunts, which can be acquired by playing three online matches and for every 150 kills. The so-called tower or ranking system of Drawn to Death will have a Dark Fairy Tales theme at launch, with players to earn stickers as they make the climb up.

Lastly, Jaffee hinted that there will be an insane mystery special offer, with the only clue left behind being the message "Destroy my enemies and my life ... is yours!" For fans of the franchise, this is one of the famous lines of Kratos from God of War, which means that he might be making an appearance in Drawn to Death.

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