Conservative Activist Groups Disapprove Of House Republicans' New Health Care Plan To Replace Obamacare

House Republicans have announced the long-awaited health care bill — the American Health Care Act (AHCA) — on Monday, March 6.

Developed through a joint effort between the White House and Senate Republicans, the GOP believes the latest legislation is a better version of the previous administration's Affordable Care Act, which is more popularly known as the ObamaCare.

But as early as now, influential personalities and conservative activists groups have already expressed their displeasure against it.

ObamaCare Lite

"This is ObamaCare Lite. It will not pass. Conservatives are not going to take it," said Sen. Rand Paul, a top conservative in the U.S. Senate.

The American Health Care Act has kept a number of old provisions from the Affordable Care Act, such as being able to stay on parental insurance until 26, the ban on discriminating people with pre-existing conditions, and Medicaid coverage for low-income Americans until 2020.

"In many ways, the House Republican proposal released last night not only accepts the flawed progressive premises of ObamaCare but expands upon them," Michael A. Needham, CEO of Heritage Action, said in an official statement.

"Many Americans seeking health care insurance on the individual market will notice no significant difference between the Affordable Care Act (i.e., ObamaCare) and the American Health Care Act. That is bad politics, and more importantly, bad policy," Needham continued. Other high-profile conservative groups against the Republican's AHCA include the Club for Growth, FreedomWorks, Americans for Prosperity, and Freedom Partners.

Doctors And Hospital Associations Oppose AHCA

Doctors and major hospital associations have reportedly sent letters to Capitol Hill criticizing the legislation and appealing to its members to reject it. These include major groups, such as the American Hospital Association, the American Cancer Society to the March of Dimes, and the American Medical Association (AMA), who even went further as to calling the GOP bill "critically flawed."

"Although no one believes the current healthcare system is perfect, this harmful legislation would make healthcare less secure and less affordable," stated Nancy LeaMond, executive vice president of seniors advocacy group AARP, formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons.

It is still unknown whether these groups can have an impact on President Donald Trump's personal opinion on the American Health Care Act. Nevertheless, House Speaker Paul Ryan, seem unfazed of the controversy surrounding the bill.

"We'll have 218 when this thing comes to the floor, I guarantee it," the Ryan said confidently, speaking of the number of votes needed for a legislation to pass through the House.

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