Smart Condom Tracks Performance, Warns Against STIs: Another Privacy Threat On Hand?

The smart revolution truly is here, and the bedroom isn't behind. UK retailer British Condoms has announced the revolutionary smart condom, i.Con. The device not only measures and records different variables during intercourse, but developers also claim that it can detect STIs.

What a time to be alive!

A Wearable Device For The Bedroom

Essentially, the i.Con is a device that's sort of like a FitBit for the bedroom. No, it's not technically a condom, but it is a ring that will be placed at the base of the condom that is lightweight, waterproof, and reusable. With the use of nano-chips and sensors, i.Con will measure the variables of intercourse including the calories burnt, speed, average velocity, and total number of thrusts, total duration of session, and yes, even girth measurement.

You can then pair the device with the i.Con app via Bluetooth and download all the information that the device has recorded for the "session." Once downloaded, i.Con will automatically delete the information on the device to make space for the next usage.

All the data gathered by i.Con will be kept anonymous, but users will have the option of sharing the information with friends or even compare your statistics to see how you fare with other i.Con users worldwide.

There is still no specific release date for the product, but developers expect to release the i.Con within the year. As of now, they are reportedly already at the final stages of testing the device's capability to measure the different positions used during intercourse as well as the all-important STI detection. Upon its release in the UK, the i.Con will be sold for £59.99 or about $73.58.

Potential Privacy Blunder?

The idea for the i.Con is an interesting albeit useful one especially once they work out the kinks for the STI detection. While developers say that the all the data gathered from all i.Con devices to be sold in the UK and eventually worldwide will remain anonymous, there are no specific details on how the data will be kept safe.

With the recent proliferation of hacking incidences, it's not uncommon for one to wonder if any of the private data that they send via the internet will be kept safe. In fact, recent events show that not even toys are safe from hackers. In the case of this product, it's possible that the anonymity of the data may deter hackers from even holding the data hostage, but if anything, it's the company's name that will likely suffer the consequences.

Of course, some users of the product may not even mind if the details of their private moments are leaked, but there will always be a number of people who will not like to have their privacy plastered around the globe.

For now, while the product is still in its testing stage, there is still time for the developers to ensure the safety of their patrons' data, impressive or not.

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