'Quake Mystic' Who Predicted Japan Earthquake Issues 'Major Earthquake Warning,' Planetary Alignments To Blame?

The word prediction brings in a feeling of fear and excitement at the same time. Frank Hoogerbeets a self-proclaimed earthquake predictor or "quake mystic" as he is popularly known, has forecasted that the world will be experiencing massive earthquake from Feb. 24 to March 8.

Hoogerbeets, who also predicted the Japan and Nepal earthquakes, has issued this warning online on his website ditrianum.org.

What Does Hoogerbeets Say In His Prediction?

Hoogerbeets who is based in the Netherlands took to his website to warn people that an earthquake of magnitude eight or higher would strike Earth between the above stated time period.

"In the last week of February and the first week of March there will likely be a significant increase in seismic activity with the highest probability of an eight plus magnitude earthquake around March 4," wrote Hoogerbeets on his website.

He anticipates that the change in planetary alignments and that of the moon, will affect the tectonic plate movement on Earth, which will cause earthquakes to take place.

Hoogerbeets further went on to say that on Friday, Feb. 24, two planetary alignments will take place involving Mars and Venus. The first alignment will take place between Mars, Venus and Jupiter and the second will take place between Venus, Mars and Uranus.

Apparently, Earth will move very close to these alignments by 0°38' and in the following days, our planet will also line up with all the others, barring Venus. As a result of this, seismic activities of magnitude 6 or 7 will take Feb. 24 or Saturday, Feb. 25.

Hoogerbeets also added that on Monday, Feb. 27, Earth itself will be a part of two planetary alignments, one with Mars and Uranus and the other with Mars and Jupiter. As a result of these two alignments, seismic activity will get increased to over a magnitude of 6 and may continue till Feb. 28 and progress into March.

Are The Predictions Based On Scientific Studies?

Hoogerbeets makes his predictions based on studies involving planetary alignment, which are not scientifically approved. His past predictions have brought mixed results and he himself admits that he relies on hints from spirits, "key-earth dates" and crop circle formations to forecast when the next earthquake will hit the planet.

Should One Heed The Warning?

Hoogerbeets has been the subject of many jokes from scientists who claim that position or movements of planets create no impact on the Earth's seismic activity. Astronomer Phil Plait also stated that it is not possible for planetary alignments to cause earthquakes on the planet.

The facts have been stated and now it depends upon us whether one chooses to believe this prediction or not.

If you want to know more, watch the video published by Hoogerbeets himself and let us know what you think.

Photo: Colin Crowley | Flickr

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