You won't believe how much money Kim Kardashian's mobile app has made

Kim Kardashian is getting a massive payday from her mobile app. Kim Kardashian: Hollywood, the smartphone game that had us all trying to make our way onto the A-list, has made $43.4 million in the third quarter. An earnings report by game developer Glu Mobile shows that the app was responsible for 54% of the company's profits for Q3. For comparison, their second-best selling game was Deer Hunter, which only made $9.9 million. With Kardashian reportedly receiving 45% of the profits, she could be taking home $19.5 million.

Kim Kardashian: Hollywood was a huge hit when it first debuted in June, and even caused Glu's stock to climb. It was estimated to make $200 million by the end of the year. While the earnings report shows it fell far short of that mark, it's still a great deal for Kardashian, whose avatar appears in the game as a mentor through the celebrity world. Comparatively, the reality TV star made a total of $28 million from all of her ventures last year, according to Forbes.

In the game, players go on photo shoots, act in movies and make celebrity appearances in order to gain fans and become famous. It has dropped to the 94th most downloaded app in the app store, but still remains the 12th highest grossing app. While the game is free to download, the in-app purchases help players buy better outfits, houses, and transportation.

The earnings report also includes other statistics that detail the worldwide obsession with the app. It has been downloaded over 22 million times, and users have spent over 6 billion minutes playing it. Players have also taken a combined 3 billion flights and gone on 401 million photo shoots in the game. All this goes to show that people will go a long way for imaginary fame.

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