You Can Now Buy Snapchat Spectacles Online: How To Order, Price, Colors, And Delivery Details

While everyone's attention is focused on Snap's upcoming IPO, the maker of Snapchat has made available its video-recording sunglasses Spectacles online.

Snap has also shut down the operations of its pop-up store in New York and activated a buy button on

Previously, those who want to get hold of the wearable technology need to locate a Snapbot, a yellow booth that Snap sends to random cities and states. These vending machines will not be deployed temporarily to make most of the online push of the product, but you can expect them to be back after a short period of hibernation.

For those who are not familiar, Spectacles are glasses integrated with a wireless video camera. Users can basically record a day's worth of Snaps in circular video format on a single charge. The videos go directly to the app via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. The Spectacles captures anything within its 115-degree field of vision and can play the recorded videos full screen on any device.

The Specs were announced in September 2016 and hit the market in November.

Spectacles: Price, Color, And Shipment

If you are looking to grab Spectacles, you do not have to wait for lady luck anymore (or for the screaming yellow Snapbot booths). Snapchatters in the United States can head to and click a few buttons.

The Spectacles still go for $130 and are available in Black, Coral, or Teal. The price includes a charging case and cable. However, in case one needs extra accessories, the charging case goes for $50, and a charging cable sells for $10.

The company has limited the sale of the Spectacles to six pairs per household. Delivery is set 2 to 4 weeks after purchase.

Spectacles Spectacular For Snap?

The Spectacles is far from being spectacular in terms of raking in money for the Snap. The company reveals in its SEC filing that the Spectacles have not generated significant revenue for the brand.

However, the Spectacles have been creating enough buzz for Snap and have definitely helped the market be more confident with the brand.

Snap is planning to sell 230 million shares at $14 to $16 a share. Going public will give the company a valuation of at least $19.5 billion or as high as $22 billion. The IPO will also help the company raise as much as $3.6 billion.

Snap will continue feeling the pressure from competitions such as Instagram and Facebook, but so far, it has done the right thing of letting its most loyal fans get hold of the Spectacles first. Investing in good infrastructure will also surely help seal the deal.

Snapchat has 158 million active users creating 2.5 billion Snaps created on a daily basis.

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