The Simpsons/Futurama crossover couch gag: Meet Hedonism-bot

There's no denying that people are excited for the upcoming Simpsons/Futurama crossover. The Simpsons may be the king of animated sitcoms, but Futurama had one of the biggest 'cult' followings ever (despite being cancelled four times). So, of course, when "Simpsorama" was announced, people lost their minds. The Simpsons crossing over with Family Guy made sense, but Futurama is like the other side of the same coin. On top of just an awesome crossover, it also would give fans one last chance to see Futurama on air.

While it's far from the full episode, Fox has released the opening couch gag from "Simpsorama" to ease the pain of waiting...and it gets so beautifully weird.

A lot of fans were probably expecting something grand, maybe a true mash-up of both shows' openings. However, the smaller scale of the gag is nice: it's a fantastic inside joke for Futurama fans, and even if you haven't watched the show, who doesn't love Hedonism-Bot?

As for the rest of the episode, Entertainment Weekly also released a short clip of Bender's debut. While there's no telling why Bart was tied to the ceiling or how Bender made it into the Simpsons' basement, nobody makes an entrance quite like an alcoholic robot from the future.

TV Line released yet another clip, in which Homer saves Nibbler from a series of vaguely-familiar extraterrestrials. Of course, Bart is soon caught in the crossfire, and fans are treated to yet another shining example of parenting from Homer:

So far, it looks like "Simpsorama" is going to be great for fans of both TV shows. Considering that Matt Groening produced both shows, it makes sense, and it looks like it'll make for great TV.

"Simpsorama" premieres Nov. 9 at 8pm on Fox.

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