Victoria's Secret secretly changes 'Perfect Body' ad

One of Victoria's secrets is exposed. The company secretly changed the tagline to its controversial "The Perfect 'Body'" campaign after more than a week of people campaigning against it.

The ad now reads "A Body for Every Body," after receiving backlash sparked by a petition.

"We feel that this change reflects a more inclusive and healthy message," said Frances Black, one of the women who started the petition. As of Thursday, the petition had over 27,000 signatures.

Advertising its "perfect fit, perfect comfort, perfectly soft" lingerie, the controversial ad featured the body shaming tagline in front of its tall and slim models. According to the petition, the use of the phrase was "unhealthy and damaging" to women.

The petition asked people to tweet using the hashtag #IAmPerfect to encourage Victoria's Secret to change the phrase.

But even though changes were made, the tagline still appears in some posters.

"This is amazing news!" the writers of the petition said. "However the campaign is NOT over! We still want them to change all of the posters in their stores, apologise and pledge to not use such harmful marketing in the future."

The lingerie company did not publicly announce the change and has yet to apologize.

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