President Obama responds to critics through Key & Peele's anger translator

It's no secret that President Obama is under fire all of the time. Republicans obviously don't like the president, and have spent the last six years undermining everything he's tried to accomplish; Democrats don't want to support the president because of occasionally more conservative actions and many of the American people don't support Obama because taking two seconds to research an issue on Google is just too darn hard. Despite all the good the president has done, he is constantly being blocked by Congress and then takes the blame when nothing gets done.

Of course, it's easy to imagine that our president is frustrated. The man's spent years trying to make the country better, only to get blocked by bureaucracy and party politics...but it's not like he can lose his cool, something like that could have huge ramifications. If only there was a solution, a way for the president to vent his frustrations without actually saying anything. If only there was someone who could convey how the president really felt...

Thankfully, Key & Peele have answered that question for everyone.
WARNING: The video is uncensored: don't watch this at work.

Sure, it's funny - the actors' performances are fantastic, as always - but what makes the sketch hysterical is just how accurate the whole thing is. It's easy to imagine a calm, collected President Obama absolutely losing it with all of the nonsense he's forced to put up with once the cameras are gone.

Plus, the video serves as an easy way to explain why Obama isn't 'getting anything done.' So few people seem to understand that most of America's recent lack of progress is due to Congress, not the president, and the sketch is actually pretty informative (if a little over-the-top).

Of course, 2014 isn't the only time Obama could have used an anger translator, and Key & Peele have been there all throughout President Obama's term:

American politics often seems like a joke in and of itself, but with Washington being such an void of both progress and political morality as of late, perhaps it's best that comedy is left to the professionals.

Key & Peele airs Wednesdays at 10:30pm on Comedy Central.

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