Real men of Movember: Nick Offerman

Over the next month, men everywhere will be growing epic staches for Movember in the name of men's health awareness. By doing so, they will join the ranks of the manliest men to ever walk the face of the Earth. Men like Nick Offerman, for example.

One look at his mustache and you know this guy is the real deal. This king of the stache can be seen on shows like Parks and Recreation and Axe Cop, and when he isn't causing an uproar with his comedic skills, he is putting his woodworking talents to good use by building boats, furniture and bobble heads. Seriously.

Offerman practically oozes manly. That makes him the perfect spokesperson for Movember, a movement dedicated to the growing of fine facial hair over the course of November in an effort to promote awareness of men's health issues. For the past two years Offerman has collaborated with men's interest blog Made Man to help raise Movember awareness. In the first video, Offerman delivers expert advice for how men the world over can grow a worthy mustache.

His wisdom is to be followed to the letter, with such sage advice as "smell wood" and "move out of your parent's house." Last year Offerman looked at world history from a Movember perspective by hosting "Great Moments in Mustache History." He is obviously the most qualified person to do so.

The actor also provides the voice of principal character in the web-comic-turned-animated-show, Axe Cop. Yes, Offerman voices a character named Axe Cop, and no, it simply cannot be coincidence that Axe Cop also has an impressive mustache.

It is for all these reasons and more that we salute you, Nick Offerman. Thanks to your awareness campaign, men everywhere will continue to grow their mustaches for a great cause, forever cementing your place as one of the manliest men in the history of Movember.

Photo: Made Man

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