10 simple but ingenious sandwiches that will change your life

Happy National Sandwich Day! In honor of this most important holiday, we looked around the Net and turned up 10 sandwiches that are guaranteed to make your mouth water right now. Delicious, clever, easy-to-make and wildly creative, these sandwiches are sure to satisfy any craving.

Some are sweet, some are savory (and some are both!), but all are brilliant new twists on familiar favorites.

French Toast Monte Cristo

The Monte Cristo is like the royalty of sandwiches. Usually these deep-fried cheese-and-meat delights are only found in restaurants since most of us don't have the kitchen appliances needed. Amy Johnson at She Wears Many Hats came up with an inventive way of simplifying the process so anyone can do it: cook it like French Toast. Thank you, Amy. We honestly love you.

Bacon Peanutella Sandwich

Here's a great one for the kids — of all ages. "Bacon Babe" at Bacon Today combined three things that everyone who loves food is thankful for: peanut butter, Nutella, and bacon. Sure, it's messy and wildly unhealthy. But we have to have it right now. Because bacon.

White Pizza Grilled Cheese

White pizza — aka, pizza with no tomato-based red sauce — is growing increasingly popular. Brandy O'Neill of SheKnows found a way to put all that white goodness into a sandwich, grilled cheese style. It's a little more complicated than the other entries on this list, but totally worth it. Speaking of grilled cheese...

All-Cheese Grilled Cheese

Okay, we'll admit it right up front: This one is not for everybody. Only über cheese lovers need apply. DudeFood's Nick Chipman found a way to make real the dreams of cheesers everywhere: a grilled cheese sandwich that is made of nothing but cheese. That's right, there's no bread in this bad boy. Be warned that it requires an exotic specialty "bread cheese" that you're not likely to find at your neighborhood market. Chipman swears it's delicious — but says he won't be held responsible for any heart attacks the recipe causes.

Lasagna Burger

Nick Chipman of DudeFood strikes again with another over-the-top concoction that's so bad for you it has to be good: the lasagna burger. Chipman mixes beef, Italian sausage, tomato sauce, lasagna noodles, ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese. It's the Subway sub they eat in Heaven.

Breadless Apple Sandwich

To make up for all that unhealthiness, how about this treat that both tastes great and is actually good for you. Ditch the bread and use a cored, sliced apple instead. You can put whatever you want in the middle, but the recipe's maker created it with peanut butter, chocolate chips and granola.

Banana Cream Cheese Sandwich

A breakfast sandwich? For real? A breakfast biscuit maybe, but a sandwich? Yep, it's a sandwich and it's intended for breakfast. Weelicious makes this one, which is exactly what it sounds like: cream cheese, banana and bread assembled and consumed in the morning. And if you'd like a breakfast sandwich but want to go a little more decadent, try the Deep-Fried Fluffernutter.

California BLT Pancake Sandwich

Betty Crocker came up with this twist on an old favorite — bacon, lettuce and tomato. What makes it unique is that instead of bread, you put the ingredients between two pancakes. Genius! Taking this idea a step further, don't be afraid to experiment with your sandwich housing. Bread may be the standard but you can substitute pretzels, waffles, donuts, bagels, croissants or anything else you can think of.

Cream of Chicken Sandwich

Sarah at Crazy House Reviews makes this one for her family frequently, and it couldn't be simpler. All that goes into it is chicken, Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup, and bread.

PBJ S'mores

You didn't think we'd finish this list without an awesome desert, did you? Desi of SteakNPotatoesKindaGurl came up with this why-didn't-we-think-of-that variation on the chocolate and marshmallow s'more. The PBJ s'more is just like a regular s'more with peanut butter and jelly added in. What's not to love?

Photo: avlxyz via Flickr

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