New 'Archer' trailer ditches cocaine, gets back to spying

During the series' initial four seasons, Archer was almost universally praised. People loved watching the nearly-incompetent spies bickering and taking down stereotypical KGB agents. However, when the show was rebooted into Archer: Vice for its fifth season, fans were not happy. The fifth season of the show completely changed the tone and setting of the series- a '60s-esque world of spies and gadgets - to a Miami Vice/Breaking Bad-style drug cartel story. Archer: Vice changed a lot of what people watched the show for, and as a result, many claim that the most recent season is also the worst.

It seems that the show's creators have listened to their fans, as it was announced earlier this year that Archer would make a return to form for its sixth season: Archer and company would kick the coke habit and return to espionage. Fans everywhere rejoiced, but it would still be months before viewers saw anything regarding the new season.

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, fans finally get their first look at the re-rebooted Archer. The spies are back, and it's just as amazingly over-the-top as ever.

For those that can't see the video, highlights include Archer's trademark treatment of women, Kreiger's seemingly naked drum solo, and Cheryl's off-handed arson. Even now, in this short video, the show already feels as if it's made its promised return to form. Of course, there's no way to judge just yet, but fans of the original Archer should definitely be excited.

To the fans that did enjoy Archer: Vice, don't worry: the show won't be ignoring the fifth's season story, and will see the return of many lingering story threads. Lana's new baby is set to take center stage, as babies are wont to do...just don't expect Lana to be the best mother in the world.

If there's one major change coming to the show, it's the name of the spy agency that acts as the series' setting. Formerly, the agency was named ISIS, but after the recent terrorist uprising in the Middle East, Archer's sixth season will obviously be changing the name of the spy organization.

Otherwise, it seems that Archer is back. While the fifth season was too radical a change for most fans, as it stands, it seems that everything is set for Archer's grand return. With any luck, the pieces will fall back into place. Seeing as how Archer was recently renewed through season seven, fans can only hope the show returns to its former glory.

Archer season six is set to debut early next year.

Photo: FX

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