Twitter, one of the world's biggest social media sites, has been undergoing a lot of changes recently. Apart from new features, such as 360-degree video live streaming and the promise to further improve certain aspects of the website, a number of executives have also left the company over the past few months.
Twitter's newest change comes in the form of the shutdown of the Dashboard app, the website's supposed answer for businesses who want to manage their accounts on the platform.
The End Of An Era
On Jan. 11, 2017, a tweet from the company stated that Dashboard is set to close up shop this coming Feb. 3.
Twitter Dashboard will be closing down on February 3rd. 1/5
— Twitter Dashboard (@dashboardapp) January 10, 2017
A thread of tweets from the official Dashboard app also announced that companies who scheduled posts via the app will still be posted and can be edited via TweetDeck, the company's platform which manages tweets, notifications, and accounts.
All of your scheduled Tweets will still be posted as scheduled and can be seen/updated from @tweetdeck 4/5 — Twitter Dashboard (@dashboardapp) January 10, 2017
What Could Have Caused This?
Launched back in June 2016, Dashboard was supposed to help companies get a better grasp on how they were viewed in the eyes of individuals.
"Twitter Dashboard is a powerful tool designed to help businesses connect with their customers and community," said Noah Pepper, a product and engineering manager at Twitter, in a 2016 blog post.
It's possible that due to the number of similar apps that the company has produced, Twitter wants to focus on fewer of these and integrate more features into less apps, making them more versatile. The use of TweetDeck to view and edit tweets that were scheduled via Dashboard is but one example of Twitter integrating too many apps that perform similar tasks.
Down But Not Out
That doesn't mean Dashboard will not live on.
One of the tweets from the Dashboard app team states that the most prominent features from the app will live on and be available for a wider community.
In the future, we hope to bring the best features from Dashboard to the broader Twitter community. 2/5
— Twitter Dashboard (@dashboardapp) January 10, 2017
Could this mean that features from Dashboard will make their way to another existing app? Here's to hoping that they do!