Will the standalone 'Wonder Woman' film take place in the 1920s?

When Wonder Woman was announced as part of the upcoming Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, people lost their minds. It was basically the first real confirmation that DC was moving forward with their joint cinematic universe, and basically confirmed that a Justice League film would happen somewhere down the line. While most fans were excited, others were worried that Diana's appearance would crowd Batman v. Superman, and that there simply wouldn't be enough time to explain her origins.

Thankfully, DC also announced that Wonder Woman would get her own, standalone film, and some of those fears were quelled. Batman v. Superman will introduce audiences to Wonder Woman, while the solo film would explore her origins. So, it's easy to assume that, since Batman v. Superman takes place during modern day, Wonder Woman would as well. It'd be a little backwards for her film to take place earlier in the timeline, and it makes more sense when setting up an extended universe that's not too confusing to follow for casual fans.

According to a report from Bleeding Cool, that's not happening. Rumors have surfaced that Wonder Woman will take place nearly a century before Batman v. Superman, and through its sequels, the story will catch up with the rest of the DC Cinematic Universe.

It seems that DC isn't as worried about creating a strict timeline than establishing Wonder Woman's classic origin story. According to rumors, the first half Wonder Woman's solo film will take place on Diana's home island of Themyscira. When a man shows up, everything is thrown out of control, and eventually, Diana follows him home: from there, the film supposedly becomes a fish-out-of-water tale, with Diana trying to adjust to 1920s America.

Following the first film, the Wonder Woman sequels will move forward through time before catching up with the rest of the Justice League. Supposedly, the sequel will take place during World War II, while a second sequel would jump forward to modern day.

In the comics, Wonder Woman's aging (or lack thereof) is somewhat glanced over. As part of a race of demigod Amazonians, her aging is skewed. While Diana does grow older, it doesn't really show. If the film follows along with Wonder Woman's altered aging, having the story begin in the 1920s wouldn't be entirely implausible.

On top of all that, it also opens up possibilities for the rest of the DC Cinematic Universe. While Marvel's films have always taken place in strict chronological order, DC could change things up and distinguish itself from the competition. Of course, it's far too early to know if that's the case, but it's definitely a possibility.

All rumors aside (and there are certainly a lot of rumors going around) it'll still be quite some time before we see Diana on-screen at all: the standalone Wonder Woman film won't hit theaters until June 2017.

Photo: DC Comics

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