Some Drinks Really Do Give Worse Hangovers Than Others: Here’s Why

Excessive alcohol is known to give hangovers, but some drinks are worse than others even with the same amount consumed.

All About Hangovers

Hangovers, scientifically known as veisalgia, are the reactions our body gives as an indication that one has had an overdose of alcohol. Scientists do not have a clear idea why people get hangovers but they have a few suggestions about the experience.

"Addiction specialists have often noted that a hangover is technically a form of alcohol withdraw at its most benign," said Laura Veach, professor and counselor of surgery at Wake Forest University, in a press release.

Generally, a hangover begins when the alcohol level present in the bloodstream starts to decline and it reaches the apex when one has reached zero.

Alcohol consumption results in more than normal urination, which causes our body to lose the usual electrolyte content and leave us dehydrated.

The worst side effect of excessive alcohol consumption is the accumulation in our blood of the substance called acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde is a by-product of alcohol metabolism in the human body. It is much stronger than alcohol itself. As the body is already dehydrated and less water is present to push out the extra acetaldehyde, it results in nausea, vomiting and sweating.

The Chemical Composition Of Your Drink Decides The Degree Of Hangover

The type of alcohol consumed determines the degree of your hangover. All kinds of liquor are fermented, which produces alcohol and other by-products like chemicals called congeners or fusil oil impurities and carbon dioxide.

Carbon dioxide causes harmless bubbles, but congeners have a lasting effect on us. They are a kind of alcohol which can't be processed by our bodies and thus, make us feel unwell. Congeners are also accountable for the discrete flavor in the dark colored drinks like red wine, brandy and whisky. Dark-colored alcohol with high amounts of congeners is likely to cause bad hangovers.

Low-cost liquors are also likely to have more congeners. Congeners can be sorted out through the distillation procedure, but low-cost liquors are not distilled enough like the high-quality and pricey ones. For instance, Tito's vodka is distilled for about six times during processing.

Ways To Alleviate Hangovers

There is no one magic pill to cure all the symptoms of hangover. But there are a few ways that can help alleviate distinct problems.

Drinking water can be really helpful. Alcohol is known to leave a person parched. Drinking 16 to 20 ounces of water before going to bed can help combat morning hangover. Having crackers, toasts or carb foods can help bring the blood sugar levels back to normal the next morning. Few foods that could remove the after-effects of a boozing night are shrimp, pickled herring and pickled plums, while drinking coffee, strong green tea or tripe soup can also help.

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