iOS 10.2 Jailbreak May Be Released Sooner Than Expected

The iOS 10.1.1 jailbreak has been released several days ago but there are users who are wary about its stability and have so far avoided it like the plague. These users have stuck to the older Pangu jailbreak and opted to wait for the 10.2 build. Their patience may soon get rewarded as this version will likely get released soon.

More On iOS 10.1.1 Jailbreak

Before diving straight to the 10.2 jailbreak, let us first clear the air about why some users would prefer to bypass its older iteration.

The 10.1.1 jailbreak version has been made possible through the efforts of the Italian iOS hacker Luca Todesco. It is a successful jailbreaking tool for the latest iOS 10. It is, however, considered an early beta build and comes with several known issues.

For example, it is classified as a semi-untethered method, which means you need to jailbreak your iPhone or iPad every time it gets rebooted. Todesco has already confirmed that it worked on his iPhone 7 but he did not guarantee that it will also work on others.

Moreover, there is also the possibility that it will brick your device, requiring a hard reset for it to work again.

Enter Stefan Esser, a noted iOS hacker and security expert, who promised via a Twitter post, that matters will get resolved soon.

iOS 10.2 Jailbreak

Esser is referring to the iOS 10.2 jailbreak, which will probably roll out in the next few days or so. What is particularly interesting about Esser's Twitter post is the indication that the new jailbreak will solve the issues that came with 10.1.1.

While he did not specifically reference this point, there is his reassurance that iOS 10.1.1 problems will no longer surface in the new version. iOS users could only hope at this point that that will surely be the case.

It is important to note that Esser is not behind iOS 10.2 jailbreak. This was made known in one of his comments where he cited an anonymous third-party developer that does not want to be identified lest they get harassed by overeager iPhone-wielding mob.

Esser, however, seems to be quite in the loop so you can hang on to his every word on this breakthrough. He has even confirmed that the 10.2 jailbreak will also be effective on devices running iOS 10.1.1.

Jailbreaking For The Uninitiated

Android or other mobile OS users could be watching this ruckus about jailbreaking with a sense of interest and consternation. The process, which seems quite roundabout, is all for the purpose of unlocking an iOS device so that it is finally capable of some semblance of UI customizations and the ability to install third-party applications.

These features are already available in any stock Android handset.

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