Halloween is rapidly approaching, and if you don't know what you're going to be for the big day yet, you might be getting pretty desperate right about now. I bet that white sheet for a quick ghost costume looks pretty good right about now.
But whatever you do, you must resist the urge to give in and go for one of the ideas floating around on Twitter right now under the hashtag "#CrappyHalloweenCostumes." Of course, this is one of the hashtags created by Chris Hardwick on his late-night Comedy Central show @Midnight, so these ideas are not to be taken seriously for your holiday get-up.
That doesn't mean we can't have fun looking at them. @Midnight inspires trending hashtags on Twitter pretty much every day the show airs. The tweets with this hashtag in particular are quite clever and festive, so they're definitely worth pointing out here for our entertainment. Without further ado, I give to you Twitter's best, crappiest Halloween ideas you ever did see.
Don't sweat @thealisonbecker's #CrappyHalloweenCostumes, they hunt themselves into obscurity: https://t.co/6oHuI5hdiB| pic.twitter.com/uOPOaqv4ae
— @midnight (@midnight) October 28, 2014
Mr. E.T. #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight pic.twitter.com/NIKxmdKPSI — Damian Vanore (@DamianVanore23) October 28, 2014
KISS Without the Makeup #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — Eek! lizabeth (@Ewizubef) October 28, 2014
Quarantined Captain America who just arrived in NY from an African Country #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — Jeff Dwoskin (@bigmacher) October 28, 2014
Adele Dazeem #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight pic.twitter.com/wSzGTrGhau — TrivWorks (@TrivWorks) October 28, 2014
Pumpkin Posh Spice #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — Ben Wells (@TheBenWells) October 28, 2014
Organic Beetlejuice #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight. — Quentin C. Covington (@CovingtonQ) October 28, 2014
The doctor you're supposed to ask about Abilify #crappyhalloweencostumes — Steve Sobel (@steve_sobel) October 28, 2014
Betty White Supremacist @midnight #CrappyHalloweenCostumes — Wisco (@Wisco) October 28, 2014
Ironing Man #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — David BOOOston (@DavidHoustonVox) October 28, 2014
Florida Mother Who Hates Action Figures #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @Midnight — Neo Unknown (@UnknownNeo) October 28, 2014
E.T. and Chris Elliot #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight pic.twitter.com/VpVgTBJE5r — NateLozo-waytooscary (@Nateynaten8n8) October 28, 2014
Bud Light Year. #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight pic.twitter.com/l2TvdRsFUM — El Profe (@Galaxicanicus) October 28, 2014
The bride of Frankenstein's mother in law #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight — Jabez Richard (@bfknowhere) October 28, 2014
Bone Thugs and Hermione. @midnight #CrappyHalloweenCostumes — Ver$ace Kolache (@KRamZinSki) October 28, 2014
Anonymous YouTube Commenter @midnight #crappyhalloweencostumes — Kevin McCaffrey (@KevinMcCaff) October 28, 2014
Pleatherface #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight — Robbin' Graves (@smartbunny) October 28, 2014
A scented candle in the wind @midnight #crappyhalloweencostumes — Eliot Rahal (@EliotRahal) October 28, 2014
Mustard Colored Jeans Feeling Abandoned at Goodwill #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — vance sanders (@vancesanders) October 28, 2014
The Visible Man #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight — A.K. Schulte (@schultak99) October 28, 2014
The Big Bad Wolf Blitzer #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight — Peter Kremidas (@PKremidas) October 28, 2014
The Fifth Turtle Who Managed To Not Get Exposed To Radioactive Waste #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight — Kat Burdick (@TheKatBurdick) October 28, 2014
Cereal killer. #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight — Candy Kirby (@candykirby) October 28, 2014
The Ghost Of Canceled Fall Pilots #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — Showbiz Adjacent (@CaliforniaGravy) October 28, 2014
Jesus. Taking the wheel. After a few drinks. #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight
— Alicia D A (@ironyoko) October 28, 2014
My sister's choice in men #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — Aaron Michael Marsh (@AaronMMarsh) October 28, 2014
The Girl With The How To Train Your Dragon Tattoo #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight pic.twitter.com/urkUExyKVL
— Travis Lindsay (@Trav_is_lindsay) October 28, 2014
Snoop Dogg The Bounty Hunter #crappyhalloweencostumes @midnight — Eileen Montelione (@YoungJohnStamos) October 28, 2014
Buffalo Bill Maher #crappyhalloweencostumes
— Gore Chen (@georgethechen) October 28, 2014
Little Loo Loo #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight pic.twitter.com/0xUJXURpWl — Bonnie Burton (@bonniegrrl) October 28, 2014
Steve Austin Powers @midnight #crappyhalloweencostumes
— Mark Bergman (@DrMarkBergman) October 28, 2014
The Most Interesting Man in Sea World #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight — Dane Rauschenberg (@SeeDaneRun) October 28, 2014
Baskin Robin Hood #CrappyHalloweenCostumes
— Chris VanAnden (@cvananden) October 28, 2014
This made me laugh, what do you think? #Halloween #CrappyHalloweenCostumes #halloweencostume pic.twitter.com/QmkFf8RIIf — CardsChat (@CardsChat) October 28, 2014
Teenage Gluten Ninja Turtles #CrappyHalloweenCostumes @midnight
— Tyler Chadwick (@tylernchadwick) October 28, 2014
Doesn't all of this just make you want to come up with your own #CrappyHalloweenCostumes?