Chrome For Android Version 55 Rolling Out Now: What's New?

Google has updated Chrome web browser for Android on Dec. 6, and version 55 is now rolling out across the Play Store.

The update to the Google Chrome browser for Android increases its functionalities comprehensively. The updated Chrome 55 (55.0.2883.84) also brings stability and performance fixes and new features galore.

We check out the new features and functionalities that version 55 of Chrome for Android brings users' way.

Reduces Memory Usage

Courtesy of the update, users who run the Chrome web browser on Android devices that offer 512 MB of RAM or less will see nearly 35 percent less usage of the memory. This is due to the Zone Memory and JavaScript Heap Size reductions the update brings. Thanks to the reduced memory usage, devices with low memory will get a performance boost.

Secret Game

The update also marks the arrival of an endless running game that has been snuck in to the browser. Android users of the Chrome web browser on the latest version will be able to play the endless runner whenever there is no internet connection.

Simply hit the spacebar when the "Unable to connect to the internet" alert pops up and the dinosaur mascot will come to life.

Download Web Pages, Read Them Offline

This is undoubtedly one of the most-wanted features the update to the browser brings. The downloads tab on the Chrome version 55 web browser is a welcome addition. Users will be able to download a complete web page for offline reading inclusive of images and text.

Download Media

Users of the browser on Android can also download videos and music easily so that they can access the files even when the app is in the offline mode. Basically, you can view stuff you have downloaded within the Chrome browser.

The video and audio players in the browser will have a save icon next to them so that a user can download the media. The saved media is organized in a new Downloads tab. Users can long-tap on multiple items that have been saved to delete or share them.

Improved Contextual Search

Chrome 55 also brings enhancements to the contextual search user interface. The minor tweak to the UI will make the user experience seamless.

Highlights Spelling Errors

The updated version of the Chrome web browser for Android also has a built-in feature that highlights any misspelled words in the text field. This is a handy feature for people who are particular about spelling error-free messages.

Excited about the new features? Update your Chrome browser for Android via Google Play now to take advantage of the features!

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