Too soon: Man decorates house with Ebola Halloween decorations

As fears continue to rise over the spread of the deadly virus Ebola, one man's Halloween spirit went too far.

Jack Fault from Dallas, Texas decorated his house for Halloween to make it like look like Ebola quarantined apartments.

Dressing the part in a protective suit with a "CDC Trainee" label, Fault held onto a clip board and "biohazard infectious waste," while staging the scene of the apartments where the first U.S. Ebola patient lived.

The re-enactment portrayed when emergency crews came to the apartments of the first U.S. patient, Thomas Eric Duncan, who traveled to Dallas from West Africa. Duncan died from Ebola Oct. 8.

Fault does not think that he took the Halloween scare too far, but he too thinks that the prank, which has now gone viral, is a bit too soon. "It's a scary thing," he said.

"There's negative people everywhere and they are going to give me grief about it but it's all in good fun," he said.

We're not sure if Fault realizes the difference between "good fun" and making light of a tragic death.

Fault staged biohazard barrels and "biowaste" in contamination bags in front of his house in University Park. He used yellow caution tape to close off the Ebola props and hung a white tape across his second-floor balcony that reads, "quarantine."

Fault added a banner to the scene that reads, "Happy Halloween" on Thursday. Talk about poor taste.

He says things are "getting back to normal just a little bit," but just to be sure, University Park spokesman Steve Mace says that police have drove by to check on the house after receiving a worried call.

Dallas News |

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