Samsung Releases Full-Page Ads In Major US Newspapers To Apologize For Galaxy Note 7: Will Customers Trust The Brand Again?

Samsung released full-page ads on three major newspapers in the United States to apologize for the controversy that surrounded the discontinued Galaxy Note 7 smartphone.

The advertisements, which were run on The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post and The New York Times, were signed by Samsung Electronics North America CEO and President Gregory Lee.

Samsung's Full-Page Apology Ads

The apology ads started off by claiming that an important tenet of Samsung's mission is to offer customers with "best-in-class safety and quality."

"Recently, we fell short on this promise," the letter continued. "For this we are truly sorry."

It was said in the advertisements that Samsung is taking proactive steps to do better in that regard, as it continues collaborating with industry partners and government agencies over the Galaxy Note 7 debacle that recently plagued the company.

Samsung said that it has launched an investigation to find out the causes behind the exploding batteries of the Galaxy Note 7. The company will move as fast as possible but will take the needed time to arrive at the correct answers.

The advertisements also discussed the voluntary recall that Samsung launched for 2.8 million top-load washing machines in the United States, as service teams start to visit affected households to address the concerns.

Safety remains the company's top priority, the advertisements claim, with Lee ending the letter by once again apologizing for the safety issues presented by Samsung, in behalf of the company's 17,000 employees.

The Effect Of The Galaxy Note 7 Recall

Samsung saw its operating profit sink to $4.5 billion in the third quarter, down by 30 percent compared to the figure reported in the corresponding quarter of last year, as the financial impact of the Galaxy Note 7 recall shook the company to its very core.

The company promised that it will look to quickly recover from the Galaxy Note 7 disaster, as it looks forward to the release of its next flagship smartphone, the Galaxy S8. Rumors regarding the features that will be included in the upcoming device are already starting to circulate, increasing the hype for the smartphone.

However, the big question is whether customers will still be able to trust the brand after Galaxy Note 7 smartphones started catching fire due to exploding batteries. A full-page apology advertisement might be the first step to winning back the trust of the market, but Samsung still has a long way to go before consumers would feel comfortable purchasing any device from the company.

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