Android 7.0 Nougat: How To Use Multi-Window Mode On Android 7.0

Android smartphone users now have the option to do true multitasking with their devices with the introduction of Android 7.0 Nougat's multi-window mode.

While other mobile systems have tried to introduce the concept of multi-window functionality before, this is the first time the new feature officially debuts on the popular Android operating system.

What Is Multi-Window Mode On Android Nougat?

Multi-window mode allows users to bring up another app window on their smartphone's screen without needing to close the one they're already viewing. This can be done using the portrait or landscape orientation of the device.

If you're using your device in landscape, the screen will be split evenly between two opened apps. However, if you're in portrait, you'll have the option to have one app window occupy two-thirds of the screen while the other app occupies the remaining one-third.

This can be quite handy especially if you're the type who wants to do different things on your phone simultaneously. If you're reading an article online and want to check the meaning of a word you across, you can simply pull up another window and look for the definition without having to close the first one.

How To Use Multi-Window Mode On Android Nougat

1. To activate the new multi-window functionality, open an app on your phone that you want to view.

2. Hold down the "Overview" button on the screen's lower-right corner. You will notice that the regular Overview button will be switched to two smaller rectangles.

3. On the app switcher, pick the app you want to have as the secondary window. If a particular app doesn't work with the multi-window feature, you'll see a message that says "App doesn't support split screen."

4. To change your secondary app, press the button with two rectangles in the lower-right corner to bring up the app switcher again.

5. If you're using your phone in portrait, you can hold down the white line between the two opened apps. Drag the line so you can switch to a two-thirds/one-third division on your screen.

6. Exit multi-window mode by holding down the button with two rectangles. You can also swipe the line between the two opened apps upward or downward to close multi-window.

Other Android 7.0 Nougat Features

Aside from the new multi-window mode, Nougat also brings other cool features to Android smartphones. These include an improved user interface and notification system, lower system requirements and better power saving.

The Android 7.0 update also has Vulkan API support for better mobile gaming experience, as well as Daydream VR for a more seamless integration and consumption of VR content with your device.

Other features include Google cool new messaging app, Google Allo, and its video-calling counterpart, Google Duo.

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