This Cat Has The Most Terrifying Reaction To His Human Dressing Up As A Cat

Talk about being a scaredy cat this Halloween.

We all know that cats are easily frightened, and if you don't believe the heights of their terror, just seach for cats and cucumber videos on YouTube.

But it's the face of one cat in particular that took over the Internet on Monday.

Cat Halloween Costumes

Dressing up as a cat for Halloween is one of the most played out, but easy to rock costumes.

There are many versions of this look, such as the sexy cat that pretty much every girl who is not dressed as Harley Quinn will settle on being this year, or the minimalistic cat created by those who just put on a cat ear headband and draw on some whiskers for a last minute costume that takes minimal effort.

Then there is this guy who transformed himself into one giant cat to embody his very own pet, which got one hell of a reaction.

The Purr-fect Black Cat Costume

Unlike that adorable Golden Retriever Jolene who expressed pure joy after seeing her favorite toy Gumby come to life with some Halloween magic, this owner's cat was nearly scared to death by its owner's cat costume.

Redditor redditmeman posted a photo of his buddy dressed up as a giant black cat. As an all-black suit, the costume features a huge cat head that someone would wear as a school mascot.

The costume itself is pretty purrfect, but it's his cat's reaction that steals the spotlight. The guy is seen holding his kitty in his arms, but the cat can't look at the camera because its eyes must stay fixated on this terrifying giant cat that is holding it. He is in a state of complete shock. Just take a good look at the cat's face and you can just see the terror oozing from his frightened silly face.


It turns out the scary black cats that are a symbol of Halloween aren't free from being spooked themselves. Maybe dressing up as a lifesized cat wasn't the best idea for this pet owner since his poor cat looked as if it would have nightmares because of this strange encounter.

On the bright side, at least the owner didn't opt for a lifesized dog costume.

Source: Reddit

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