Halloween will be here in a few days, and we know there are a lot of folks out there looking for the perfect costume to make a splash while trolling the streets for free candy. It's a fun tradition that people of all ages can get into. But there are a few no-nos when it comes to what's acceptable and, every year, it seems like there are a few people out there that didn't get the memo. With that in mind, we've decided to put together a list of 10 Halloween costumes you should absolutely not wear this year. Trick or treat!
Presenting the worst Halloween costume of 2014: https://t.co/Jhq7BfqOHy (via @dailyedge) pic.twitter.com/4gXGmgnD78
— TheJournal.ie (@thejournal_ie) October 18, 2014
1. Anything Ebola related
Listen, we know the thought of strapping on a hazmat as part of the Ebola Prevention Team might get you remembered at your annual Halloween party, but we're here to tell you that it won't be for the right reasons. You won't be remembered as clever or witty or cute. You'll be remembered as that guy that didn't realize how unfunny his costume is. It's too soon, too mean-spirited, and too stupid. Don't be that guy.
If you missed this amazing racism and pro-DV bs posted to Instagram by @RitterZac (account now locked) pic.twitter.com/7ULCxhVfVC — Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) October 26, 2014
2. Ray Rice or Janay Palmer Rice
Not only is domestic violence completely unfunny, it's actually the least funny thing in the entire universe. The Ray Rice incident (and the video of the former-NFL running back knocking out his then-fiancee-now-wife Janay Palmer) should make every human being sick to their stomach. It absolutely should not make you think, "That would make a great Halloween costume!" How about this? Save the money you would have spent on the Ray Rice jersey and donate it to a cause that helps those harmed by domestic violence. Seems like a pretty decent thing to do, right?
Bonus points for combining two insensitive topics: Sexy Ebola Containment Suit
Wait, what?! Sexy Ebola Containment Suit?! Just let that phrase ring through your head a few times. Sexy. Ebola. Containment. Suit. NO. Just no.
Lead photo: Ronald Martinez/Getty Images Sports