Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Replacements Might Not Explode, But They Have Issues: Overheating And Battery Drain While Charging

Consumers who received Samsung Galaxy Note 7 replacements are reporting that their new devices have overheating and battery drain issues even while they're charging.

The users who found the issues are based in South Korea, where the smartphone maker started the recall process back in Monday.

Galaxy Note 7 Replacements Are Overheating And Losing Power Quickly

The country's news network YTN (translated) first reported the problems, according to The Wall Street Journal, and it has interviewed numerous Galaxy Note 7 owners who complained about their units overheating or losing power quickly even when they were plugged in.

According to ZDNet, one owner surnamed Choi said that even though his Galaxy Note 7 was charging and showing the thunder symbol in the battery indicator, the device kept losing 1 percent of power every second.

"I've charged it [Note 7] all night after the battery went below one percent, but it didn't charge over 10 percent," the user told the news outlet.

YTN investigated the matter and found that a unit with 75 percent of power quickly dropped to 49 percent after 39 minutes even though it was charging.

However, it should be mentioned that there have been no incidents of the devices catching fire or exploding to date.

For the record, the reports are currently limited to South Korea, and Samsung didn't confirm whether or not there are similar cases in other countries. Before the recall took place, more than 400,000 units were sold in the country.

Samsung Says It's Not Related To Batteries

It's unclear how rampant these issues are, but according to a Samsung spokesperson, the problem is "completely unrelated to batteries," saying that the incidents are "isolated cases" linked to mass production issues. They also pointed out that "close examinations" are ongoing.

Samsung recently started providing Galaxy Note 7 replacements in the United States, and it claims that it has exchanged approximately 500,000 units so far.

The Bottom Line

To boil things down, there's more or less a chance that U.S. residents — or consumers in any other country, for that matter — who participated in the massive recall could find overheating or battery drain issues in their new devices as well.

Are you one of the Galaxy Note 7 owners who exchanged their smartphones? If so, feel free to hit us up in the comments section below and let us know, especially if you spotted similar problems on your new handsets.

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