Latest 'Fear The Walking Dead' Revelation Could Have An Impact On 'The Walking Dead' Proper

AMC's The Walking Dead spin-off series, Fear The Walking Dead, hasn't raised many eyebrows thus far. The show's first season didn't prove to be nearly as captivating as The Walking Dead proper.

That might finally be changing now, as the latest episode of the show's second season dropped a potential bombshell that may even have ramifications for Rick, Carl and the rest of the gang in The Walking Dead.

Spoilers below!

In the latest episode, titled "Los Muertos," it's revealed that pharmacist and doctor Alejandro had been bitten by a walker and did NOT turn into a zombie. Initially, it seemed like Alejandro could be making up his claim, but his story was backed up by Luciana. He later reveals an intimidating scar on his shoulder that certainly looks like it could have come from a walker bite.

Obviously, nobody in The Walking Dead universe (that we know of, at least) has yet to avoid becoming a walker after being bitten. However, there are a few facts that are worth noting. As revealed in early seasons of The Walking Dead, all of humanity (or, once again, everybody that we know of) is infected with what we'll call the walker virus. The virus is "activated" upon death, which leads to even non-bitten humans becoming walkers after dying of something as mundane as natural causes. It's not necessarily the walkers themselves that turn people into zombies, but the fact that being bitten by one almost certainly leads to death.

It should also be noted that the Tijuana community where Alejandro serves as a leader isn't aware of the fact that they are all already infected with the walker virus. As most people who aren't Rick and company assume, it's the walkers themselves that lead to people becoming infected.

We know from the CDC scientist in season one of the show that there doesn't seem to be any known cure for the walker virus. How, then, did Alejandro survive his encounter with a walker? That remains a mystery, but it seems like one the showrunners will be exploring more this season.

"He already had this admiration, and his following, and people who gravitated towards him as a community leader," Fear the Walking Dead producer Dave Erickson says of Alejandro (via "The story of the bite is something that has galvanized this community and really drawn them that much closer because they believe there's something, to say the least, something special about him. Yeah, there's a very specific story line that's going to play out and it has a lot to do with questions of faith, and questions of trust, and specifically Nick's relationship with his new father figure."

Perhaps Alejandro's scenario isn't as bizarre as it sounds at first glance. He may have simply been lucky to have not died from an infected walker bite. However, his community of followers don't know all the facts. To them, being bitten by a walker is a sure-fire way to be transformed into one, so the fact that Alejandro is still among the living is certainly going to raise eyebrows. Or it's possible Alejandro really could be immune to the walker virus, and thus be an important figure in the greater Walking Dead universe. If a cure can be made, Alejandro may be the key.

Fear the Walking Dead airs Sundays at 9 p.m. EDT on AMC.

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