Batman #35 review: 'Endgame' kicks off with a bang

Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo have done wonders with Batman since the launch of the New 52, and just when you thought it couldn't get any bigger or better, here comes "Endgame," the latest story arc from the team.

Batman #35 starts slow, with Bruce recounting a story about an old friend who was constructing the Gotham Royal Theater, foreshadowing some of the events to come towards the end of the issue. Bruce is still recovering from wounds sustained in Batman: Eternal and is having visions of his future deaths. It's all fairly calm in the new Batman homebase (the first with windows) located in downtown Gotham.

Then Wonder Woman crashes through the window and drives Bruce into the dirt. What follows is nonstop action and questions from Bruce, as he monologues to himself about what could possibly be turning Diana against him.

Luckily Batman is always prepared. He initiates a special protocol that emits gas all through the center of the city, causing the Gotham City Police Department to evacuate all the innocent bystanders inside. Then he gets in a mech suit reminiscent of Iron Man's Hulk-Buster armor and goes to work.

Soon enough nearly the entire Justice League is after Batman, with the Flash and Aquaman also making appearances. Bruce has methods to deal with them all, as the mech-suit was specifically created to handle a rogue Justice League.

That is until Superman shows up. All the while Bruce struggles to understand what super villain could be powerful enough to turn his super-allies into enemies, up until the very end of the issue when the truth is revealed. I won't spoil it here, but if you've followed Snyder's run you probably have a good idea who behind it all.

It makes for a great cliffhanger, and any time Batman and Superman brawl it is sure to be an entertaining issue. While the idea of Batman vs. an evil Justice League has been done before, it is no less entertaining here. Snyder does a great job creating counter measures for each superhero and giving readers insight into Batman's internal thoughts makes understanding and appreciating the action that much better. Capullo's art is stellar as always. There is a reason Snyder and Capullo's run is so critically acclaimed, and this issue is no different.

The issue also comes coupled with a special side story (written by James Tynion IV with art by Kelley Jones) that ties into the reveal at the end, but revealing what it is about dives heavily into spoiler territory. While I'm not sure the additional story justifies the issue's $4.99 price tag, it is definitely intriguing.

Batman #35 is just a teaser of what is to come in "Endgame," and if this issue is any indication, it's going to be one heck of a ride.







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