After Apple dismissed reports of the iPhone 6 Plus bending and warping in people's pockets, it might think it's home-free. Unfortunately, users will not stop nitpicking the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus of all its little imperfections until the next iPhone comes out next year. It only comes natural for a premium-priced product that is constantly hyped as the best of its kind.
The next grievance Apple will have to deal with? iPhone 6 users are complaining all over social media that the phone rips out chunks of hair from their heads every time they put the phone to their ears to make a call. Social media users have dubbed the phenomenon Hairgate after Apple downplayed Bendgate saying reports of the aluminum iPhone 6 bending were "extremely rare." With Hairgate, however, Apple has more users grumbling to handle.
Reports of Hairgate first cropped up on the 9to5Mac user community, where one user named Ayeai said although she did not have troubles about bending her new iPhone 6 Plus because she takes good care of her phone, what irritates her more is that her phone "keeps yanking out my hair when I'm making [a] call."
"Initially I thought it was the hair sticking to the screen protector," Ayeai says. "But upon closer inspection, it was the seam between the glass and aluminum - hair gets stuck and when you try to free it out, it hurts."
Other users took to Twitter to complain about their expensive new device pulling out the hair on their heads, on their beards or the threads on their scarves, jackets and sweaters.
Anyone else getting beard hairs pulled by the iPhone 6/Plus? It catches my scruff in the seam and yanks it during calls. #hurts #beardgate
— Chad Coleman (@dominocollege) Oct. 1, 2014
The seam on my iPhone 6 where the aluminum meets the glass is definitely catching my hair and pulling it out. #seamgate — Paul Peavler (@CardMeHD) Sept. 28, 2014
@9to5Community My iPhone 6 was pulling my hair too; I returned it, it was underwhelming:(
— Graham Cracker (@grmcrkrs) Oct. 3, 2014
Hairgate comes after Gapgate, where users of the new Samsung Galaxy Note 4 have also complained of a major gap between the phone's display and screen large enough to insert a business card in it. Note 4 users, however, have yet to cry out about the Note 4 pulling their hair out.
Hairgate isn't the only issue Apple has to contend with. Everybody has heard of Bendgate, but other users, mostly women, are saying the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus were not designed with women in mind. For one thing, women have complained that the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus is too big for their hands, which are generally two centimeters smaller than men's hands. For most women to operate the iPhone 6 Plus with just one hand, they have to have thumbs that are three inches longer.
And some users have called out Apple for failing to include period tracking in its HealthKit platform. Apple has been touting HealthKit as the ultimate health tracking platform to consolidate all of the user's health and fitness information. However, it doesn't include a feature for allowing women to track their menstrual cycles, something that women have been doing so since the beginning of time for fertility and contraceptive purposes.
Apple has yet to respond to user complaints, although in all probability, it will likely downplay the issues much like it did with Bendgate.