New 'Hearthstone' Hero Morgl The Oracle Is A Murloc Shaman: How To Unlock Him

A new update to Blizzard's online card game, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, was released just recently and included the game's newest hero portrait.

For those unacquainted to the game, Hearthstone is Blizzard's own version of a free-to-play, online card battle game. It features monsters, heroes and everything else included in this genre inspired from the company's massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) World of Warcraft, as well as its real-time strategy (RTS) series, Warcraft.

As its genre suggests, players battle each other in-game and the occasional AI opponent as well, using the various cards that are available at their disposal — obtained from account sign-up, winning against others, doing dailies and buying packs using real world cash. There are also those special times when cards can be obtained through game events, much like the one happening now.

The latest addition to the game's hero lineup can only be obtained not by battling a set number of foes or winning a match under certain circumstances but simply by inviting friends over to play.

In an effort to increase Hearthstone's player base (presumably), Blizzard wants its current list of active players to invite others and sign up for the game. While inviting others may seem easy and players could basically use an alternate account to do so, the company requires these fresh accounts to reach level 20 from all of their hero levels combined before the new card is added to the "inviter."

In addition, the next four recruits that reach level 20 will garner the original "inviter" an additional Classic Hearthstone pack. As for the "invitees," all new players accessing the game through the invitation link will be getting their own Classic Hearthstone pack as well. It is unspecified, though, if gamers will receive another Classic Hearthstone pack — meaning the new portrait and presumably two free card packs — if, let's say, they invite nine friends all in all who reach level 20 at some point.

In any case, the new hero to beat, if you're asking, is none other than Morgl the Oracle and he's from the Murloc race!

"While most murlocs are more likely to have visitors for lunch than they are to invite them over for tea, Morgl the Oracle has wisdom, wit, and the wherewithal to fight the good fight," writes the developers, adding that Morgl is well versed in his command of the elements but not in his command of speech.

Alongside the new Recruit a Friend event and Morgl the Oracle hero addition is a couple of in-game fixes as well, written in detail on the Hearthstone update page.

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