Pokémon GO players are having a field day and it's not just because their childhood dream of catching Pokémon in real life is now a reality. According to some, the mobile game is actually good for them as it offers mental health benefits.
There are no studies at the moment to support these claims, but just being able to step outside their homes is a big deal for many suffering mental health issues. And that players with mental health issues would go so far as to explore their surroundings? Pokémon GO is definitely helping those who need it.
Yes, praise for the mental health benefits that Pokémon GO supposedly has remained largely anecdotal, but a number of people seeing the mobile game's advantages beyond the simple enjoyment of catching all the Pokémon surely can't all be wrong. At the very least, researchers should take this as a sign to examine how the mobile game specifically offers mental health benefits.
in all seriousness, pokemon go is one of the greatest things that has happened to my mental health
— six (@osskov) July 8, 2016
In the United States alone, almost 3 million teenagers go through a major bout of depression. Pokémon GO knows no age, but with the younger crowd more attuned with integrating technology in their lives, they may be likelier to turn to a mobile game as a possible tool for getting better, aside from seeking professional help.
Many parents believe that video games have a negative impact on their children, but they couldn't be farther from the truth. Researchers from the Paris Descartes and Columbia Universities explored the connection between the mental health of young children and the length of time they played video games, and found that the longer a child played, the higher their chances are at having the optimum intellectual capacity and fewer relationship issues.
In adults, "brain training" with video games led to improvements in the brain connections of patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. With results showing that video games can affect certain operations in the brain, researchers are looking into adding the medium into rehabilitation plans alongside other cognitive enhancement methods.
Different people experience mental health issues differently so it is important to find a specialized care that suits the needs of an individual. Pokémon GO certainly can't alone take the place of professional help but it is a tool that should not be discounted, especially if it has been found to alleviate the mood of someone dealing with mental health issues.
Ever experienced a video game changing you for the better? Share your experience with us in the comments below.