Video Game Release Calendar: Every Major Game Coming Out This Summer

Video game release schedules follow some strange trends.

The majority of major triple-A titles tend to fight for a spot during the busy holiday season — basically, anywhere from October through December. Any games that didn't make the holiday release window typically launch a few months later — anywhere from January through April.

What's strange is that, for the most part, the most relaxed part of the year is also the most devoid of big releases. The months between May and September are almost always a dead zone in terms of major video game launches, despite the fact that kids are home from school and adults are going on vacation. Yes, it makes sense that most games come out during the heaviest shopping season of the year, but does that mean that the summer months have to be completely barren?

Thankfully, 2016 has been a bit different. May saw the launch of both Uncharted 4: Among Thieves and the stellar Doom reboot, while June saw the release of games like Mirror's Edge: Catalyst and Odin Sphere Leifthrasir. It's so unusually high-quality that it begs the question: what does the rest of the summer have to offer?


Release date: Sept. 13
Developer: Armature Studios

ReCore is, simply put, something of an oddity. The game touts a serious pedigree (it's been made by some of the key developers behind Metroid Prime), but following a somewhat shaky showing at E3 2016, some have started to question whether or not the game is ready for prime-time just yet.

Destiny: Rise of Iron

Release date: Sept. 20
Developer: Bungie

The Taken King did a lot to revitalize the Destiny community ... but without another full expansion to follow it up with, Bungie couldn't maintain said momentum for long. Thankfully, Bungie is giving fans something new to play with while the sequel is in development — hopefully, Rise of Iron is as strong (or stronger) than its predecessors.

Forza Horizon 3

Release Date: Sept. 27
Developer: Turn 10 Studios

Ever after all these years, Microsoft's pseudo-simulation racer still pulls in a huge crowd of devoted fans, and for good reason. As the latest game in the series, Forza Horizon 3 features a much larger focus on environmental diversity — this isn't the same old street race that you're used to.

Final Fantasy XV

Release date: Sept. 30
Developer: Square Enix

After 10 years of waiting, Square Enix's next RPG epic is finally on the way.

There's so much to be excited for that it's hard to list it all here: the game is absolutely gorgeous, the developers have promised more freedom than ever, and it looks like Final Fantasy may be getting back on the right track ... let's just hope that fans won't have to wait another 10 years for a follow-up.

Yo-Kai Watch 2

Release date: Sept. 30
Developer: Nintendo

It took a long time, but the monster-catching craze that swept through Japan has finally made its way to the States. Yo-Kai Watch 2 is, unsurprisingly, the sequel to the series' Western debut from last November — considering it's only been six months since the last release, it's safe to say that Yo-Kai Watch fans have it good.

Despite the fact that release schedules usually dry up in the summer heat, 2016 is shaping up to be a pretty solid year for games. Most publishers are perfectly content to cram everything into the holiday rush, so it's nice that some triple-A titles are launching when people actually have time to play them!

We'll be sure to update this list if any of the above information changes — or if something new comes down the line!

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