You Can Now Play 'Pokemon Fire Red' Through A Virtual Game Boy Within 'Minecraft' Thanks To This Guy

The things that can be done in Minecraft are near limitless, with gamers only bound by their creativity, skills and patience in maximizing the platform.

Nevertheless, it is still very much surprising when gamers continue to find ways to push the limits of Minecraft, and the latest achievement even gives a nod to another popular video game franchise that is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.

A YouTuber who goes by the name Reqaug has built a fully functional Gameboy Advance within Minecraft, with the virtual mobile gaming console also capable of playing Pokémon Fire Red.

The video that Reqaug uploaded is only two minutes long, but it shows the product of the Minecraft enthusiast's attempt to inject a little bit of Pokémon into Minecraft.

The video begins by showing the giant Gameboy Reqaug built within Minecraft, along with all the buttons to operate the device. Viewers then see the redstone programming blocks, which Reqaug used for the project through pseudo-emulation within the game.

The redstones do not look that complex based on what the video shows, but a couple of presses on the Gameboy's buttons is all that it takes to fire up Pokémon Fire Red. Ash can then be seen moving around on the Gameboy's screen, controlled by the buttons of the device.

The video then zooms out to reveal the hundreds of structure blocks that were utilized for the emulation of Pokémon Fire Red within Minecraft, combined with texture modifications and structure commands.

According to Reqaug, it took him three weeks of work and about 60 hours in total to complete the project, but the beauty of seeing Pokémon Fire Red in Minecraft is definitely worth all that.

However, there is a limitation with the Pokémon Fire Red copy being emulated in Minecraft. There are no battles that can be initiated between Pokémon trainers nor a dialogue. According to Reqaug, though, the development on the project will continue to hopefully integrate these important aspects of the Pokémon title into the emulation.

For Minecraft gamers who would like to try out the Pokémon Fire Red emulation as it stands now, they can do so without requiring any mods to first be done. All they need is the Minecraft version 1.10, with more details on the project to be found on its dedicated webpage at Planet Minecraft.

Minecraft is now the second best-selling video game of all time across all platforms, with over 100 million copies sold to date. It still has a long way to go before taking the top spot, though, as the title is held by Tetris with sales of over 400 million copies.

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