‘Overwatch’ Hero Spotlight: A Beginner’s Guide To Reinhardt

Reinhardt is the ultimate knight, upholding peace and justice in the aftermath of Overwatch's dissolution. He may be past his prime but don't discount this Overwatch hero just because of his age.

His Story

An adventurer, Reinhardt Wilhelm is a 61-year-old former Overwatch agent from Stuttgart, Germany. He was there when Overwatch was first founded more than 30 years ago, a part of the organization's original strike team that put a stop to the Omnic Crisis. When the conflict was over, Overwatch continued keeping the peace in the world and Reinhardt was one of its most distinguished champions.

Reinhardt had a unique set of ethics and an exciting persona that earned him the admiration of all. He was also never afraid to speak his mind, acting as both Overwatch's most loyal supporter and staunchest critic.

Due to his age, Reinhardt was forced into mandatory retirement. He took it hard, thinking that his days of glory and purpose were over. It didn't help that, in the days leading up to Overwatch's downfall, he could only look on as his life's work crumbled.

Overwatch eventually disbanded but this didn't stop Reinhardt from wearing his Crusader armor once again and fighting for peace and justice like the knights of the old, flaming the hope that better days will come.

His Abilities

Rocket Hammer - If it looks daunting that's because it is. An exemplary melee weapon, Rocket Hammer is capable of dealing massive damage with every swing across a wide arc.

Barrier Field - A broad energy barrier is projected in front of Reinhardt, absorbing a lot of damage before it's destroyed. However, he cannot attack while the ability is in use, although it can also protect his teammates.

Charge - Reinhardt charges in a straight line, pinning the first enemy he encounters and knocking back others in the path. If he hits a wall in the process, his enemy will sustain extreme damage.

Fire Strike - Whipping his Rocket Hammer forward allows Reinhardt to fling a flaming projectile at an enemy, causing damage and knocking them off their position.

Earthshatter - Rocket Hammer is forcefully slammed down the ground, creating an aftershock that damages all enemies in front of Reinhardt.

Watch Reinhardt's abilities in action below!

Heroes He Is Weak Against

Symmetra - Reinhardt has a tough shield but tougher luck when facing Symmetra as the alternate fire from her Photon Projector can slip through his Barrier Field and deal high damage. Cleverly placed Sentry Turrets will also give him problems.

Genji - Thanks to his speed, Genji can dash through Reinhardt's shield and unload damage before retreating to avoid damage on himself and doing the move again.

Heroes He Is Strong Against

Soldier: 76 - While Soldier: 76 can definitely hunker down and deal massive damage on the frontlines, Reinhardt can withstand whatever he's got to give.


1. If Reinhardt is not advancing and protecting his team, he's not being useful. Watch out for taunts that will make him turn or change direction.

2. Reinhardt is most effective at close range. He can't do anything against long-range enemies so at least make sure he's not a sitting duck by steering clear of open spaces as much as possible.

3. He's a defense-focused Tank character. Use Reinhardt to your advantage by using his Barrier Field as often as possible as it also protects allies, which those with low health will find particularly helpful.

4. His Rocket Hammer deals a lot of damage. Feel free to smash around as it will only take four or five hits to defeat weaker characters.

5. The enemy team will try to flank and get behind Reinhardt so be mindful of leaving his back and sides open. As a pushing Tank, he's great for protecting an enclosed objective or charging down a hallway.

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