The Flash is one of DC's biggest heroes and one of the CW's most popular shows, and it doesn't appear to be slowing down anytime soon. As revealed by Flash actor Grant Gustin on Twitter, the show's third season (or at least the first episode) will be a new spin on a major DC Comic storyline.
That storyline is, as you probably already guessed from the headline, Flashpoint. Gustin confirmed it on Twitter, saying, "This is not drill." Flashpoint was one of the biggest DC events to happen in years when it released in 2011, with repercussions that are still being felt in the DC universe to this day.
The event saw Flash trapped in an alternate DC history where Wonder Woman and Aquaman were at war, Thomas Wayne was Batman and Flash's mother, Nora, was still alive. The event also ushered in the era of the New 52, an era that is now coming to a close as DC undergoes its Rebirth event. The storyline also recently received an animated film adaptation in the form of Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox.
Spoilers for The Flash Season 2 below!
FLASHPOINT. This is not drill.
— Grant Gustin (@grantgust) June 20, 2016
Flash's mother may be the key to understanding how the show will look to adapt the iconic storyline. At the end of season two, Barry used his super speed to travel back in time and save his mother before she was murdered by Reverse-Flash. One of the season's final images was that of Barry fading out of existence. Fans still don't know how this major change of events will affect the timeline of history, but judging from how the first episode of the new season is titled "Flashpoint," it seems safe to assume that there are some major changes in store for Barry.
Of course, it's unlikely that Thomas Wayne, Aquaman or Wonder Woman will appear, but it should still be interesting, all the same. With Supergirl coming to the CW, perhaps another crossover is even in the works. Here's what Gustin has to say about the upcoming storyline:
We're definitely doing this FP thing our own way.. I've read Flashpoint, I've seen the amazing animated film. This will be its own thing. — Grant Gustin (@grantgust) June 20, 2016
The new season is set to begin filming soon.