It's a wacky world we live in. Don't believe me? To help celebrate the return of AMC's The Walking Dead to television next month, a group of London chefs have created a burger that doesn't sound all that appetizing. Drawing inspiration from the show's people-devouring walkers, this burger is said to taste like human flesh.
Yes, you read that right. It is a burger that tastes like people.
The burger comes from the London-based Messhead, a collaboration between chefs Miss Cakehead and Mess London chef James Thomlinson and will only be available for a limited time at a secret location in London.
Someone's made a burger that tastes of human flesh. Have they gone too far?
— bbqbarbecues (@bbqbarbecues) September 22, 2014
Now, you may be wondering, "How do they know what human flesh tastes like without actually, you know, tasting it?" That's a perfectly rational question, and the answer is more than a little creepy.
According to Metro, the chefs studied the testimonials of infamous cannibals throughout history like William Seabrook and Alexander Pearce to get an idea of how to create the burger. Using quotes like "Man's flesh is delicious, it tastes far better than fish or pork" and descriptions of human meat tasting like "good fully developed veal, not young, but not yet beef," as their guide, the chefs settled on a burger mix that includes pork, veal, chicken livers and bone marrow. Supposedly those ingredients best replicate the "taste and texture" of human flesh. Yummy.
The burger will be given out for free at the newly-created "Terminus Tavern" in East London on Sept 30, but you will have to watch for the #terminustavern hashtag on Twitter to know the exact location. The restaurant draws its name from the fictional town featured in The Walking Dead show, whose population may or may not be cannibals and have captured Rick, Carl, Maggie and the rest of the world's favorite survivors in a boxcar. Given that this promotional campaign involves burgers that taste like humans being served at the "Terminus Tavern," I think it is safe to say Rick and the gang might want to keep their eyes open, lest they become human meat patties.
The fifth season of The Walking Dead premieres Oct. 12 on AMC.
Photo: D Sharon Pruitt via Flickr