Twitter For Android Gets Material Design Makeover: What's New?

Twitter for Android just got a neat visual overhaul, finally implementing Google's clean Material Design for all users.

The design changes have been in beta testing for a couple of months now, and the new look is finally ready to roll out to the public. The Twitter Android client no longer looks like an iOS clone and it's far easier to navigate and handle everything. The update doesn't bring the "Night Mode" dark theme we recently heard about, but it's still substantial.

"Every day, millions of people are using Twitter for Android to share, explore, and connect with what's happening live," touts the announcement. "Today, we're introducing a new look and feel for Twitter for Android - a redesigned app that aligns with the best of Android."

For those unfamiliar with Material Design, Google defines it as a visual language that aims to combine the classic, basic principles of good design with the great potential for innovation that technology and science hold.

For Twitter, Material Design guidelines translate to a number of changes in how the Android client looks and how it organizes functionality. With the new update, the Twitter app for Android now sports a tab bar at the top, offering swipe functionality so that users can easily switch between different sections such as the Home timeline, Notifications, and Direct messages.

To access your profile, lists, Highlights, settings and the Connect tab, a sliding navigation menu is a great solution that makes it quick and hassle-free. The overhaul also includes a brand new floating action button, which makes it easier than ever to send a quick tweet.

Moreover, the buttons for each of these sections are now notably bigger, which may come particularly in handy for those who found it hard to use tiny icons.

Compared with the previous column-style UI, the new Twitter for Android looks far better and the swiping and sliding approach is arguably more convenient. Twitter also updated its Windows 10 app recently and says it's constantly looking for new ways to enhance the experience on all platforms.

The latest Android update started rolling out on June 6 for all users worldwide, bringing the Twitter app to version 6.0.0, marking quite a big jump. As always, Twitter is performing a staged rollout, which means that not all users will get the update at the same time.

If you have yet to receive the new software version, you can always manually check for its availability either from your device or from the Google Play store download link for the updated app.

If you've already got the update, try it out and drop by our comment section below to tell us what you think of it.

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