'Fallout 4: Far Harbor' Guide: How To Get Any Legendary Weapon You Want

Fallout 4 DLC Far Harbor brought in a couple of new legendary weapons to get ahold of, and settlers everywhere have the opportunity to nab the perfect one that's been haunting their dreams.

Right off the bat, the trick to get it is pretty easy, but before proceeding, it should be pointed out that players will only get one through this method. Obviously, they'll also need to own the "largest landmass for an add-on" to do this.

How To Get Any Legendary Weapon In Far Harbor

Step 1: Finish the main story quest Close to Home. Take note that you have to bring Kasumi back to her family, and this goes without saying, but she must survive.

Step 2: Talk to her father Keiji Nakano to receive a quest marker that'll guide you to a buried treasure.

Step 3: When the quest reward stash becomes available, go to the location, but don't reveal the best just yet.

Step 4: Save your progress before you start digging for the treasure.

Step 5: Once everything's nice and ready, dig up the chest and open it to get the legendary weapon. If you don't like what you got, simply reload your save file and try your luck again.

Note: It's all just a matter of rinsing and repeating and some patience until you get your hands on the legendary weapon that you've always wanted.

Some weapon effects to look out for include Power / Mighty for 25 percent more damage, Kneecapper for a 20 percent chance to cripple an enemy's leg and Wounding to cause a foe to bleed for additional 25 points of damage.

Well, that's all there is to it, and once you have the perfect one in your arsenal, taking on the mutated baddies in the Wasteland will be a piece of cake.

Fallout 4 Far Harbor is available across the PC, Xbox One and PS4.

Feel free to pay a visit to our comments section below and let us know what kind of weapon you've acquired through this method.

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