Preacher's Tulip O'Hare Will Get A Funko Pop Figure

A few weeks ago, Funko released some details about its upcoming Pop figure collection for AMC's Preacher, but one character in particular wasn't present: Tulip O'Hare.

That led fans to questioning the decision to leave Tulip out, especially as the case is usually that toy companies tend to often leave out female characters in their merchandising (Disney/Marvel is notorious for it). Fans immediately took to social media to complain, with the #WheresTulip hashtag gaining some traction on Twitter.

For the record, Funko usually does a good job of including female characters in its Pop figures from the properties it works with. And that's the case this time, too: there was a Tulip figure all along, but the company just didn't announce it at the time.

Funko recently revealed details about three more Preacher Pop figures, and this time Tulip is well-represented. But fans wanting to nab her will have to get her through the Previews catalog, because she is an exclusive. The other two figures are a Hot Topic exclusive: Jesse Custer with uplifted arms, as well as a GameSpot exclusive bloody Cassidy.

Preacher tells the story of a small-town Texas minister who suddenly gets blessed with the ability to tell people exactly what to do, and they do it. Based on a Vertigo comic book series, the gift comes from a half-angel and half-demon creature possessing him. Although Jesse's powers kill off his congregation in the comics, the television adaptation follows the character as he tries to "help" the people of his community (with results that are often worse than death).

The character of Tulip is Jesse's ex-girlfriend and someone he used to partner with during his previous life of crime. He became a minister, though, to fulfill a promise he made to his now-deceased father. Tulip, however, sticks around to keep pestering him to rejoin her as a criminal.

Preacher airs at 9 p.m. EDT Sundays on AMC. AMC has the pilot episode available online for anyone to watch without the commercials, too.

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