Id Software Snuck A Demonic Easter Egg Into The 'Doom' Soundtrack

Doom is and always has been known for its Easter eggs. Even way back in the mid-'90s, Id Software was sneaking subtle references and nods to its other series into its first-person shooters — and the 2016 reboot is no different.

Whether it's the miniaturized Doomguy collectibles or an obscure reference to an even more obscure comic book, Id Software's latest shooter is stuffed to the brim with Easter eggs.

For the most part, these Easter eggs are relatively easy to find. Sure, they may require some tricky platforming or serious exploration to ferret out, but anyone who's taking their time won't have much trouble nabbing them. Simply put, it's mostly standard fare for most modern video games.

That being said, not every Doom Easter egg is so easy to find: for instance, one gamer just found something buried inside of the game's soundtrack.

It may sound crazy, but Reddit user Tomcb managed to uncover a series of traditionally demonic images scattered throughout one of the songs of Doom's soundtrack. Yes, images: this isn't another case of playing a song backwards to hear a message, Id Software actually hid the number 666 and a pentagram within the spectrogram of the "Cyberdemon" track:

(the above photo was adjusted for easier visibility — the original file can be found on Imgur)

For reference's sake, here's the track itself:

The track sounds demonic enough on its own, but few would ever expect to find anything buried within the song itself, and even fewer would think to put the song through a spectrogram and look over the visual data for anything that stood out.

Then again, Id Software did tease fans that there was something hidden in the game's audio: in a behind-the-scenes video published to YouTube last week, a series of pentagrams appears on screen for less than a second. That might not sound like much to go on, but if the Internet has proven anything, it's to never underestimate the dedication of gamers.

So far, no other images have been found within the game's soundtrack — but now that fans know of the hidden symbols, it probably won't take long to find any others. As for the game itself, it's pretty amazing — while the multiplayer may not be up to snuff, we thought that the game's single-player campaign was more than worth the asking price.

If you still haven't picked it up, Doom is available now.

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