Google partners with HTC for Nexus 9 tablet

The last time Google worked with HTC was on the first Nexus device. This partnership may be revived with the Nexus 9, if reports are true.

It's been a while since HTC made tablets but it looks like it's giving manufacturing bigger devices another shot with the Nexus 9. According to people familiar with the matter that spoke with the WSJ, Google has apparently chosen HTC to produce the next Nexus device. In fact, engineers from HTC have been flying to Google's headquarters to work on the project in the last few months.

Google and HTC haven't made official announcements about their partnership but working together is logical for the two. For starters, HTC has a strong track record for making quality devices. It may have focused mainly on smartphones but the company can surely extend that to tablets. It just needs a prod in the right direction which Google can surely provide.

In case HTC is not sure what Google can do for it, it can take inspiration from Asus. When Asus worked with Google on the Nexus 7, it saw a double-digit profit boost thanks to the sales of the tablet in 2012.

Over the years, Google has worked with different partners for its Nexus line. It's a philosophy, it seems, that focuses on building a diverse base of partners, allowing Google to prevent monopolies while at the same time letting it keep good relations with different companies.

Although Google teamed up with Samsung for the Nexus 10, another tablet, reports are saying the search giant is wary of the Korean company because of its massive presence as a maker of Android devices.

Still, Google is not quick to brush Samsung aside. Aside from a cross-patenting deal agreed at the start of the year between between the two, Google may just believe more that "Android is a vibrant ecosystem, and many of the industry players are doing very well. There's room for many partners to do well and to innovate with Android."

Other companies Google has partnered with include LG and Asus. LG manufactured two devices, the Nexus 4 and 5, while Asus was in charge of the Nexus 7.

No official word yet on when the Nexus 9 will be made available but it is expected to be announced alongside the Android L launch. This means more information on the next Nexus device should be provided by Google towards the end of October.

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