Apple creates tool to remove new U2 album from iTunes

Everyone can probably agree that the world did not embrace Apple's new partnership with U2 as the company had hoped. While we pretty much all had it figured out that Apple would unveil the iPhone 6 and the Apple Watch during its major launch event Sept. 9, the revelation that the company would be releasing U2's new album "Songs of Innocence" by putting it in everyone's iTunes music library was an unpleasant surprise for many.

But it's going to be OK, guys. Whether you love the new U2 album, finally learned to live with it or figured out some other way to delete it from your iTunes library, you don't have to suffer any longer.

Apple, the company that gave you "Songs of Innocence" for free, is now going to help you get rid of it. With a click of a button, you can remove U2's latest album from your iTunes library pretty fast. You basically just have to go to this special URL in iTunes, click "Remove" and poof, you can forget this whole thing ever happened. Apple even set up a nifty support page to walk you through the process, hopefully making the album's removal less painful than the sight of it in your iTunes library.

As The Verge points out, "The fact that Apple had to go this far and publish a removal tool almost puts U2's new album on the same footing as malware or aggressive antivirus software, but at least the complaining should end."

But remember, once you remove the album from your library, it's gone, so if you have second thoughts for some reason, you'll have to download it again. The album is free until Oct. 13, its official release date, after which you will have to pay for it.

Apple envisioned its latest partnership with U2 as a huge moment in music history. "Never before have so many people owned one album, let alone on the day of its release," stated the official website for the collaboration.

However, everyone from music critics to Tyler, the Creator to regular iTunes users to myself criticized the move. And with Apple reportedly paying $100 million for the album, the company certainly learned the hard way that no good deed goes unpunished.

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