It's been quite a ride for Super Smash Bros. fans. Anticipation for the upcoming Nintendo 3DS title is at a fever pitch, and many speculate that the game is going to be one of the biggest releases of the entire year.
However, over the past several weeks, information about the title (such as the complete character roster) has been leaked online. Much of the full Japanese version of the game has been revealed through unofficial means, confirming and denying several rumors before Nintendo officially announced anything.
So far, Nintendo's only real response has been to confirm that an official demo for the 3DS version is headed to the American eShop this month. The contents of said demo are still unknown, though it's safe to say that it will only be a fraction of the full game, as opposed to what's been broadcast recently.
Get ready to smash! DL a free demo for #SmashBros for #3DS in the #eShop on 9/19. Select Club Nintendo Platinum members get the demo on 9/12
— Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) September 12, 2014
Select Club Nintendo Platinum members will have received four download codes for the #SmashBros for #3DS demo. Check your emails! — Nintendo of America (@NintendoAmerica) September 12, 2014
According to Nintendo, the 3DS demo of Super Smash Bros. will be released for the public on Sep. 19, while select Platinum members of Club Nintendo gain access on Sep. 12th. In fact, according to the official Nintendo of America twitter, the company has already reached out to four individuals.
The full version of the game was leaked yesterday when Japanese players began broadcasting the game online. The entire character roster was revealed over the course of several hours, just one day before Nintendo was set to officially unveil the full list. Oddly enough, this wasn't the first leak of its kind for Super Smash Bros.; in late August, several screenshots and short videos showcasing hidden characters were also leaked, though it wasn't quite on the same scale.
While it's understandable to think that the demo is being released in wake of the leaks, players should remember that creating a demo like this takes time. Localizing a game can (and usually does) take quite a while, and considering the Platinum club member promotion, the American demo was likely planned out some time ago.
Either way, it won't be long before U.S. gamers get their hands on the final version of Super Smash Bros.. The Nintendo 3DS version of the game launches on Oct. 3.