Captain America Has Killed Way More People Than You Think

When Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice released in theaters, the fact that Batman killed people rubbed some fans the wrong way.

After all, Batman's supposed to be the hero. Plus, he has that whole "no kill" rule in most of his comics.

Batman probably kills a handful of people in Batman v Superman. Captain America, on the other hand? He's killed thousands over the course of his Marvel cinematic universe films ... sort of.

That's the claim this latest kill count video from Mr Sunday makes, but some fans aren't exactly buying it. For starters, Captain America is, at least in his first film, a U.S. Army soldier fighting in World War II. The fact that he kills people isn't exactly shocking. He is a "super soldier," after all.

It's also worth noting what the video counts as a "kill." Anybody hit in the head or neck with Captain America's shield is considered dead, which seems fair enough, given how, in real life, Cap's shield would probably cut people in half when thrown. However, the video also includes the numerous robots defeated by Captain America in Avengers: Age of Ultron as "kills." Hmmmmmm.

The vast majority of the kills, around 14,000 of them, come from the two S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarriers Captain America brings down during the events of The Winter Soldier. Here's what the uploader of the video says about the Helicarrier deaths:

"The numbers from the Helicarriers that are brought down in TWS are based on average 'next generation' U.S. aircraft carriers' statistics seeings [sic] as the actual number of Hydra deaths weren't made available."

We don't have any way of knowing exactly how many people were on each of the Helicarriers. An in-film kill counter shows 23 casualties, which is obviously a much, much smaller number than the one Mr Sunday is using.

If we take out all the robots and the Helicarriers, Captain America's actual kill count approaches 100, which seems more in line with the character's good guy vibe. Plus, almost half of those were Nazis, and those hardly count as people, right?

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